C++ API and example

1. Introduction

This page exist in order to extract the examples from the Doxygen documentation, Please have look at the end of this page there are all the examples.

2. C++ API and example

class Action
#include <types.hpp>

Actions to be performed by robot, will be received by Driver.

An action simply encapsulate two desired position value, one for each dof

Public Functions

inline void print(bool backline) const
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &ar)

Public Members

int values[2]
class Action : public robot_interfaces::Loggable, public robot_interfaces::Loggable
#include <example.hpp>

Actions to be performed by robot, will be received by Driver.

An action simply encapsulate two desired position value, one for each DOF.

Public Functions

inline void print(bool backline)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name()
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data()
inline void print(bool backline)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name()
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data()

Public Members

int values[2]
template<typename Types, typename = int>
struct BindTipForceIfExists
#include <pybind_finger.hpp>

@bind Add Python bindings for Types::Observaton::tip_force if it exists.

Uses black SFINAE magic to add bindings for “tip_force” if it exists. Further the pickle functions differ due to this, so handle this here as well.


This is based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/16000226, see there for an explanation how/why this works.

Public Static Functions

static inline void bind(pybind11::class_<typename Types::Observation> &c)
static inline void bind(pybind11::class_<typename Types::Observation> &c)
template<typename Types>
struct BindTipForceIfExists<Types, decltype((void)Types::Observation::tip_force, 0)>
#include <pybind_finger.hpp>

Public Static Functions

static inline void bind(pybind11::class_<typename Types::Observation> &c)
static inline void bind(pybind11::class_<typename Types::Observation> &c)
class Driver : public robot_interfaces::RobotDriver<Action, Observation>

Public Functions

inline Driver()
inline virtual void initialize()

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

inline virtual Action apply_action(const Action &action_to_apply)

Apply action immediately and block until it is executed.

This method must apply the desired_action immediately when it is called, and only return once the action has been executed completely. This way we can accommodate both simulators and real robots with this interface.


desired_action – The action we want to apply.


The action that was actually applied (since due to safety reasons it might not be possible to apply the desired action).

inline virtual Observation get_latest_observation()

Return the latest observation immediately.



inline virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error()

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

inline virtual void shutdown()

Shut down the robot safely.

Use this method if your robot needs to perform some action when shutting down, e.g. to move it to a defined rest position.

Private Members

int state_[2]

Private Static Attributes

static const int MAX = 1000
static const int MIN = 0
class Driver : public robot_interfaces::RobotDriver<Action, Observation>, public robot_interfaces::RobotDriver<Action, Observation>
#include <example.hpp>

Example Robot Driver.

Send command to the robot and read observation from the robot. The DOF positions simply becomes the ones set by the latest action, capped between a min and a max value.

Public Functions

inline Driver(int min, int max)
inline virtual void initialize()

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

inline virtual Action apply_action(const Action &action_to_apply)

Apply action immediately and block until it is executed.

This method must apply the desired_action immediately when it is called, and only return once the action has been executed completely. This way we can accommodate both simulators and real robots with this interface.


desired_action – The action we want to apply.


The action that was actually applied (since due to safety reasons it might not be possible to apply the desired action).

inline virtual Observation get_latest_observation()

Return the latest observation immediately.



inline virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error()

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

inline virtual void shutdown()

Shut down the robot safely.

Use this method if your robot needs to perform some action when shutting down, e.g. to move it to a defined rest position.

inline Driver(int min, int max)
inline virtual void initialize()

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

inline virtual Action apply_action(const Action &action_to_apply)

Apply action immediately and block until it is executed.

This method must apply the desired_action immediately when it is called, and only return once the action has been executed completely. This way we can accommodate both simulators and real robots with this interface.


desired_action – The action we want to apply.


The action that was actually applied (since due to safety reasons it might not be possible to apply the desired action).

inline virtual Observation get_latest_observation()

Return the latest observation immediately.



inline virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error()

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

inline virtual void shutdown()

Shut down the robot safely.

Use this method if your robot needs to perform some action when shutting down, e.g. to move it to a defined rest position.

Private Members

int state_[2]
int min_
int max_
template<size_t N_FINGERS>
struct FingerTypes : public robot_interfaces::RobotInterfaceTypes<NJointAction<N_FINGERS * JOINTS_PER_FINGER>, NFingerObservation<N_FINGERS>>, public robot_interfaces::RobotInterfaceTypes<NJointAction<N_FINGERS * JOINTS_PER_FINGER>, NFingerObservation<N_FINGERS>>
#include <finger_types.hpp>

Types for the Finger robot (basic 3-joint robot).

class Loggable
#include <loggable.hpp>

Subclassed by robot_interfaces::NFingerObservation< N_FINGERS >, robot_interfaces::NFingerObservation< N_FINGERS >, robot_interfaces::NJointAction< N >, robot_interfaces::NJointAction< N >, robot_interfaces::NJointObservation< N >, robot_interfaces::NJointObservation< N >, robot_interfaces::Status, robot_interfaces::Status, robot_interfaces::example::Action, robot_interfaces::example::Action, robot_interfaces::example::Observation, robot_interfaces::example::Observation

Public Functions

inline virtual ~Loggable()
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() = 0
virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() = 0
inline virtual ~Loggable()
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() = 0
virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() = 0
template<typename Driver>
class MonitoredRobotDriver : public robot_interfaces::RobotDriver<Driver::Action, Driver::Observation>, public robot_interfaces::RobotDriver<Driver::Action, Driver::Observation>

Wrapper for RobotDriver that monitors timing.

Takes a RobotDriver instance as input and forwards all method calls to it. A background loop monitors timing of actions to ensure the following constraints:

  1. The execution of an action does not take longer than max_action_duration_s_ seconds.

  2. The time interval between termination of the previous action and receival of the next one (through apply_action()) does not exceed max_inter_action_duration_s_.

If these timing constraints are not satisfied, the robot will be shutdown, and no more actions from the outside will be accepted.

This wrapper also makes sure that the shutdown() method of the given RobotDriver is called when wrapper is destroyed, so the robot should always be left in a safe state.

Template Parameters:
  • Action

  • Observation

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<Driver> RobotDriverPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<Driver> RobotDriverPtr

Public Functions

inline MonitoredRobotDriver(RobotDriverPtr robot_driver, const double max_action_duration_s, const double max_inter_action_duration_s)

Starts a thread for monitoring timing of action execution.

  • robot_driver – The actual robot driver instance.

  • max_action_duration_s – Maximum time allowed for an action to be executed.

  • max_inter_action_duration_s – Maximum time allowed between end of the previous action and receival of the next one.

inline ~MonitoredRobotDriver()

Shuts down the robot and stops the monitoring thread.

inline Driver::Action apply_action(const typename Driver::Action &desired_action) final override

Apply desired action on the robot.

If the robot is shut down, no more actions will be applied (the method will just ignore them silently.


desired_action – The desired action.


The action that is actually applied on the robot (may differ from desired action due to safety limitations).

inline virtual void initialize() override

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

inline virtual Driver::Action get_idle_action() override

Return action that is safe to apply while the robot is idle.

Typically this can be an action applying zero torque to all joints but it might be more involved depending on the robot (it could, for example, also be an action to hold the joints in place).

The default implementation simply uses the default constructor of Action, assuming that this is safe to use.

inline virtual Driver::Observation get_latest_observation() override

Return the latest observation immediately.



inline virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error() override

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

inline virtual void shutdown() final override

Shut down the robot safely.

After shutdown, actions sent by the user are ignored.

inline MonitoredRobotDriver(RobotDriverPtr robot_driver, const double max_action_duration_s, const double max_inter_action_duration_s)

Starts a thread for monitoring timing of action execution.

  • robot_driver – The actual robot driver instance.

  • max_action_duration_s – Maximum time allowed for an action to be executed.

  • max_inter_action_duration_s – Maximum time allowed between end of the previous action and receival of the next one.

inline ~MonitoredRobotDriver()

Shuts down the robot and stops the monitoring thread.

inline Driver::Action apply_action(const typename Driver::Action &desired_action) final override

Apply desired action on the robot.

If the robot is shut down, no more actions will be applied (the method will just ignore them silently.


desired_action – The desired action.


The action that is actually applied on the robot (may differ from desired action due to safety limitations).

inline virtual void initialize() override

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

inline virtual Driver::Action get_idle_action() override

Return action that is safe to apply while the robot is idle.

Typically this can be an action applying zero torque to all joints but it might be more involved depending on the robot (it could, for example, also be an action to hold the joints in place).

The default implementation simply uses the default constructor of Action, assuming that this is safe to use.

inline virtual Driver::Observation get_latest_observation() override

Return the latest observation immediately.



inline virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error() override

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

inline virtual void shutdown() final override

Shut down the robot safely.

After shutdown, actions sent by the user are ignored.

Private Types

enum class ErrorType


enumerator NONE
enumerator NONE
enum class ErrorType


enumerator NONE
enumerator NONE

Private Functions

inline void loop()

Monitor the timing of action execution.

If one of the timing constrains is violated, the robot is immediately shut down.

inline void loop()

Monitor the timing of action execution.

If one of the timing constrains is violated, the robot is immediately shut down.

Private Members

RobotDriverPtr robot_driver_

The actual robot driver.

double max_action_duration_s_

Max. time for executing an action.

double max_inter_action_duration_s_

Max. idle time between actions.

std::atomic<bool> is_shutdown_

Whether shutdown was initiated.

time_series::TimeSeries<bool> action_start_logger_
time_series::TimeSeries<bool> action_end_logger_
std::shared_ptr<real_time_tools::RealTimeThread> thread_
std::atomic<ErrorType> error_ = ErrorType::NONE

Private Static Functions

static inline void *loop(void *instance_pointer)
static inline void *loop(void *instance_pointer)
template<typename Action, typename Observation>
class MultiProcessRobotData : public robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>, public robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>
#include <robot_data.hpp>

RobotData instance using multi process time series.

Use this class if modules accessing the data are running in separate processes. When all modules run as threads in the same process, this class can be used as well, however, SingleProcessRobotData might be more efficient in that case.

Public Functions

inline MultiProcessRobotData(const std::string &shared_memory_id_prefix, bool is_master, size_t history_length = 1000)

Construct the time series for the robot data.


Make this constructor protected and implement factory methods like in MultiprocessTimeSeries..

  • shared_memory_id_prefix – Prefix for the shared memory IDs. Since each time series needs its own memory ID, the given value is used as prefix and unique suffixes are appended. Make sure to use a prefix that cannot lead to name collisions on your system.

  • is_master – If set to true, this instance will clear the shared memory on construction and destruction. Only one instance should act as master in a multi-process setup.

  • history_length – History length of the time series. Ignored if is_master == false.

inline MultiProcessRobotData(const std::string &shared_memory_id_prefix, bool is_master, size_t history_length = 1000)

Construct the time series for the robot data.


Make this constructor protected and implement factory methods like in MultiprocessTimeSeries..

  • shared_memory_id_prefix – Prefix for the shared memory IDs. Since each time series needs its own memory ID, the given value is used as prefix and unique suffixes are appended. Make sure to use a prefix that cannot lead to name collisions on your system.

  • is_master – If set to true, this instance will clear the shared memory on construction and destruction. Only one instance should act as master in a multi-process setup.

  • history_length – History length of the time series. Ignored if is_master == false.

template<typename Observation, typename Info = None>
class MultiProcessSensorData : public robot_interfaces::SensorData<Observation, None>, public robot_interfaces::SensorData<Observation, None>
#include <sensor_data.hpp>

SensorData instance using multi process time series.

Use this class if modules accessing the data are running in separate processes. When all modules run as threads in the same process, this class can be used as well, however, SingleProcessSensorData might be more efficient in that case.

Public Functions

inline MultiProcessSensorData(const std::string &shared_memory_id, bool is_master, size_t history_length = 1000)
inline MultiProcessSensorData(const std::string &shared_memory_id, bool is_master, size_t history_length = 1000)
template<size_t N_FINGERS>
struct NFingerObservation : public robot_interfaces::Loggable, public robot_interfaces::Loggable

Observation of a Finger robot.

Values like angular position, velocity or torque of the joints are represented as a 1-dimensional vector with one element per joint. The order of the joints in these vectors is as follows:

0. Finger 1, upper joint
1. Finger 1, middle joint
2. Finger 1, lower joint
3. Finger 2, upper joint
4. Finger 2, middle joint
5. Finger 2, lower joint
#. Finger n, upper joint
#. Finger n, middle joint
#. Finger n, lower joint

Template Parameters:

N_FINGERS – Number of fingers.

Public Types

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, num_joints, 1> JointVector
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, num_fingers, 1> FingerVector
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, num_joints, 1> JointVector
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, num_fingers, 1> FingerVector

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override

Public Members

JointVector position = JointVector::Zero()

Measured angular position of all joints in radian.

JointVector velocity = JointVector::Zero()

Measured velocity of all joints in radian/second.

JointVector torque = JointVector::Zero()

Measured torques of all joints in Nm.

FingerVector tip_force = FingerVector::Zero()

Measurements of the pressure sensors at the finger tips.

One per finger. Ranges between 0 and 1 without specific unit. Note that not all fingers are equipped with an actual sensor! For fingers without sensor, this value is undefined.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t num_fingers = N_FINGERS
static constexpr size_t num_joints = N_FINGERS * 3
template<size_t N>
struct NJointAction : public robot_interfaces::Loggable, public robot_interfaces::Loggable
#include <n_joint_action.hpp>

Action of a generic n-joint robot.

This action type can be used for all n-joint robots that expect torque or position commands on joint-level.

Template Parameters:

N – Number of joints.

Public Types

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, N, 1> Vector
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, N, 1> Vector

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override
inline NJointAction(Vector torque = Vector::Zero(), Vector position = None(), Vector position_kp = None(), Vector position_kd = None())

Create action with desired torque and (optional) position.

The resulting torque command sent to the robot is

sent_torque = torque + PD(position)
To disable the position controller, set the target position to NaN. The controller is executed joint-wise, so it is possible to run it only for some joints by setting a target position for these joints and setting the others to NaN.

The specified torque is always added to the result of the position controller, so if you only want to run the position controller, make sure to set torque to zero for all joints.

For more explicit code, the static factory methods Torque, Position, TorqueAndPosition and Zero should be used instead directly creating actions through this constructor.

  • torque – Desired torque.

  • position – Desired position. Set values to NaN to disable position controller for the corresponding joints

  • position_kp – P-gains for the position controller. Set to NaN to use default values.

  • position_kd – D-gains for the position controller. Set to NaN to use default values.

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override
inline NJointAction(Vector torque = Vector::Zero(), Vector position = None(), Vector position_kp = None(), Vector position_kd = None())

Create action with desired torque and (optional) position.

The resulting torque command sent to the robot is

sent_torque = torque + PD(position)
To disable the position controller, set the target position to NaN. The controller is executed joint-wise, so it is possible to run it only for some joints by setting a target position for these joints and setting the others to NaN.

The specified torque is always added to the result of the position controller, so if you only want to run the position controller, make sure to set torque to zero for all joints.

For more explicit code, the static factory methods Torque, Position, TorqueAndPosition and Zero should be used instead directly creating actions through this constructor.

  • torque – Desired torque.

  • position – Desired position. Set values to NaN to disable position controller for the corresponding joints

  • position_kp – P-gains for the position controller. Set to NaN to use default values.

  • position_kd – D-gains for the position controller. Set to NaN to use default values.

Public Members

Vector torque

Desired torque command (in addition to position controller).

Vector position

Desired position. Set to NaN to disable position controller.

Vector position_kp

P-gain for position controller. If NaN, default is used.

Vector position_kd

D-gain for position controller. If NaN, default is used.

Public Static Functions

static inline NJointAction Torque(Vector torque)

Create an action that only contains a torque command.


torque – Desired torque.


Pure “torque action”.

static inline NJointAction Position(Vector position, Vector kp = None(), Vector kd = None())

Create an action that only contains a position command.

  • position – Desired position.

  • kp – P-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.

  • kd – D-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.


Pure “position action”.

static inline NJointAction TorqueAndPosition(Vector torque, Vector position, Vector position_kp = None(), Vector position_kd = None())

Create an action with both torque and position commands.

  • torque – Desired torque.

  • position – Desired position. Set to NaN for specific joints to disable position control for this joint.

  • kp – P-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.

  • kd – D-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.


Action with both torque and position commands.

static inline NJointAction Zero()

Create a zero-torque action.


Zero-torque action with position control disabled.

static inline Vector None()

Create a NaN-Vector.

Helper function to set defaults for position.


Vector with all elements set to NaN.

static inline NJointAction Torque(Vector torque)

Create an action that only contains a torque command.


torque – Desired torque.


Pure “torque action”.

static inline NJointAction Position(Vector position, Vector kp = None(), Vector kd = None())

Create an action that only contains a position command.

  • position – Desired position.

  • kp – P-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.

  • kd – D-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.


Pure “position action”.

static inline NJointAction TorqueAndPosition(Vector torque, Vector position, Vector position_kp = None(), Vector position_kd = None())

Create an action with both torque and position commands.

  • torque – Desired torque.

  • position – Desired position. Set to NaN for specific joints to disable position control for this joint.

  • kp – P-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.

  • kd – D-gain for position controller. If not set, default is used. Set to NaN for specific joints to use default for this joint.


Action with both torque and position commands.

static inline NJointAction Zero()

Create a zero-torque action.


Zero-torque action with position control disabled.

static inline Vector None()

Create a NaN-Vector.

Helper function to set defaults for position.


Vector with all elements set to NaN.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t num_joints = N

Number of joints.

template<size_t N>
struct NJointObservation : public robot_interfaces::Loggable, public robot_interfaces::Loggable

Basic observation for a generic n-joint robot.

Simple observation type with position, velocity and torque for each joint.

Template Parameters:

N – Number of joints.

Public Types

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, N, 1> Vector
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, N, 1> Vector

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override

Public Members

Vector position = Vector::Zero()
Vector velocity = Vector::Zero()
Vector torque = Vector::Zero()

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t num_joints = N

Number of joints.

struct None
#include <utils.hpp>

Empty struct that can be used as placeholder.

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
class Observation
#include <types.hpp>

Read from the robot by Driver.

An observation is the current position for each dof.

Public Functions

inline void print(bool backline) const
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &ar)

Public Members

int values[2]
class Observation : public robot_interfaces::Loggable, public robot_interfaces::Loggable
#include <example.hpp>

Observation read from the robot by Driver.

An observation is the current position for each DOF.

Public Functions

inline void print(bool backline)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name()
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data()
inline void print(bool backline)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name()
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data()

Public Members

int values[2]
template<typename Action, typename Observation, typename Driver, typename Data = SingleProcessRobotData<Action, Observation>>
class Robot : public robot_interfaces::RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>, public robot_interfaces::RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>
#include <robot.hpp>

RobotFrontend that construct and encapsulates its related RobotBackend.

It also construct and starts the robot driver.

Public Functions

template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(double max_action_duration_s, double max_inter_action_duration_s, Args... args)
template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(Args... args)

Robot which instantiates a non real time mode backend.

inline void initialize()

initialize the backend

inline const Data &get_data() const

return the data shared by the frontend and the backend.

template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(double max_action_duration_s, double max_inter_action_duration_s, Args... args)
template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(Args... args)

Robot which instantiates a non real time mode backend.

inline void initialize()

initialize the backend

inline const Data &get_data() const

return the data shared by the frontend and the backend.

Private Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<Data> DataPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<Driver> RobotDriverPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<Data> DataPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<Driver> RobotDriverPtr

Private Members

RobotDriverPtr driver_ptr_
RobotBackend<Action, Observation> backend_
template<typename Action, typename Observation>
class RobotBackend
#include <robot_backend.hpp>

Communication link between RobotDriver and RobotData.

At each time-step, it gets the observation from the RobotDriver and writes it to RobotData, and it takes the desired_action from RobotData and applies it on the RobotDriver.

Template Parameters:
  • Action

  • Observation

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<RobotBackend<Action, Observation>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const RobotBackend<Action, Observation>> ConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<RobotBackend<Action, Observation>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const RobotBackend<Action, Observation>> ConstPtr

Public Functions

inline RobotBackend(std::shared_ptr<RobotDriver<Action, Observation>> robot_driver, std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data, const bool real_time_mode = true, const double first_action_timeout = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), const uint32_t max_number_of_actions = 0)
  • robot_driverDriver instance for the actual robot.

  • robot_data – Data is send to/retrieved from here.

  • real_time_mode – Enable/disable real-time mode. In real-time mode, the backend will repeat previous actions if the new one is not provided in time or fail with an error if the allowed number of repetitions is exceeded. In non-real-time mode, it will simply block and wait until the action is provided.

  • first_action_timeout – See RobotBackend::first_action_timeout_.

  • max_number_of_actions – See RobotBackend::max_number_of_actions_.

inline virtual ~RobotBackend()
inline uint32_t get_max_action_repetitions()
inline void set_max_action_repetitions(const uint32_t &max_action_repetitions)

Set how often an action is repeated if no new one is provided.

If the next action is due to be executed but the user did not provide one yet (i.e. there is no new action in the robot data time series), the last action will be repeated by automatically adding it to the time series again.

Use this this method to specify how often the action shall be repeated (default is 0, i.e. no repetition at all). If this limit is exceeded, the robot will be shut down and the RobotBackend stops.

Note: This is ignored in non-real-time mode.



inline void initialize()
inline void request_shutdown()

Request shutdown of the backend loop.

The loop may take some time to actually terminate after calling this function. Use wait_until_terminated() to ensure it has really terminated.

inline void wait_until_first_action() const

Wait until the first desired action is received.

inline int wait_until_terminated() const

Wait until the backend loop terminates.


Termination code (see RobotBackendTerminationReason).

inline bool is_running() const

Check if the backend loop is still running.


True if the loop is still running.

inline int get_termination_reason() const

Get the termination reason.

inline RobotBackend(std::shared_ptr<RobotDriver<Action, Observation>> robot_driver, std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data, const bool real_time_mode = true, const double first_action_timeout = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), const uint32_t max_number_of_actions = 0)
  • robot_driverDriver instance for the actual robot.

  • robot_data – Data is send to/retrieved from here.

  • real_time_mode – Enable/disable real-time mode. In real-time mode, the backend will repeat previous actions if the new one is not provided in time or fail with an error if the allowed number of repetitions is exceeded. In non-real-time mode, it will simply block and wait until the action is provided.

  • first_action_timeout – See RobotBackend::first_action_timeout_.

  • max_number_of_actions – See RobotBackend::max_number_of_actions_.

inline virtual ~RobotBackend()
inline uint32_t get_max_action_repetitions()
inline void set_max_action_repetitions(const uint32_t &max_action_repetitions)

Set how often an action is repeated if no new one is provided.

If the next action is due to be executed but the user did not provide one yet (i.e. there is no new action in the robot data time series), the last action will be repeated by automatically adding it to the time series again.

Use this this method to specify how often the action shall be repeated (default is 0, i.e. no repetition at all). If this limit is exceeded, the robot will be shut down and the RobotBackend stops.

Note: This is ignored in non-real-time mode.



inline void initialize()
inline void request_shutdown()

Request shutdown of the backend loop.

The loop may take some time to actually terminate after calling this function. Use wait_until_terminated() to ensure it has really terminated.

inline void wait_until_first_action() const

Wait until the first desired action is received.

inline int wait_until_terminated() const

Wait until the backend loop terminates.


Termination code (see RobotBackendTerminationReason).

inline bool is_running() const

Check if the backend loop is still running.


True if the loop is still running.

inline int get_termination_reason() const

Get the termination reason.

Private Functions

inline bool has_shutdown_request() const
inline void loop()

Main loop.

Iterate over robot_data_.desired_action and apply these actions to the robot, and read the applied_action and the observation from the robot and append them to the corresponding timeseries in robot_data_.

inline bool has_shutdown_request() const
inline void loop()

Main loop.

Iterate over robot_data_.desired_action and apply these actions to the robot, and read the applied_action and the observation from the robot and append them to the corresponding timeseries in robot_data_.

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<RobotDriver<Action, Observation>> robot_driver_
std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data_
const bool real_time_mode_

Enable/disable real time mode.

If real time mode is enabled (true), the back end expects new actions to be provided in time by the user. If this does not happen, the last received action is repeated until the configured number of repetitions is exceeded in which case it stops with an error.

If real time mode is disabled (false), the back-end loop blocks and waits for the next action if it is not provided in time.

const double first_action_timeout_

Timeout for the first action to arrive.

Timeout for the time between starting the backend loop and receiving the first action from the user. If exceeded, the backend shuts down. Set to infinity to disable the timeout.

const uint32_t max_number_of_actions_

Maximum number of actions that are executed by the backend.

If set to a value greater than zero, the backend will automatically shut down after the specified number of actions is executed.

std::atomic<bool> is_shutdown_requested_

Set to true when shutdown is requested.

This is used to notify the background loop about requested shutdown, so it terminates itself.

std::atomic<bool> loop_is_running_

Indicates if the background loop is still running.

std::atomic<bool> is_initialized_

Indicates if initialize() has been executed.

uint32_t max_action_repetitions_

Number of times the previous action is repeated if no new one is provided.

real_time_tools::CheckpointTimer<6, false> timer_
real_time_tools::Timer frequency_timer_

Measure the duration of the control loop (for analysing time consistency).

std::shared_ptr<real_time_tools::RealTimeThread> thread_
std::atomic<int> termination_reason_

Private Static Functions

static inline void *loop(void *instance_pointer)
static inline void *loop(void *instance_pointer)
template<typename Action, typename Observation, typename Status_t = Status>
class RobotBinaryLogReader

Read the data from a robot log file.

The data is read from the specified file and stored to the data member where it can be accessed.

Public Types

typedef RobotLogEntry<Action, Observation, Status_t> LogEntry
typedef RobotLogEntry<Action, Observation, Status_t> LogEntry

Public Functions

inline RobotBinaryLogReader()
inline RobotBinaryLogReader(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to RobotBinaryLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the robot log file.

inline void read_file(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to RobotBinaryLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the robot log file.

inline void write_file(const std::string &filename)

Write data to the specified file.


filename – Path to the output file.

inline RobotBinaryLogReader()
inline RobotBinaryLogReader(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to RobotBinaryLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the robot log file.

inline void read_file(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to RobotBinaryLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the robot log file.

inline void write_file(const std::string &filename)

Write data to the specified file.


filename – Path to the output file.

Public Members

std::vector<LogEntry> data

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr uint32_t FORMAT_VERSION = 2
template<typename Action, typename Observation>
class RobotData
#include <robot_data.hpp>

Contains all the input and output data of the robot.

This means the

  • desired_action which was requested by the robot user

  • applied_action which was actually applied and may not be and may not be identical to desired_action for safety reasons

  • observation made by the robot

  • status which keeps track of timing issues and errors.

See this graph to understand how they relate to each other precisely in terms of time:

|------ t = 0 ------|------ t = 1 ------|
|----- action0 -----|----- action1 -----|
o                   o                   o
b                   b                   b
s                   s                   s
0                   1                   2
Template Parameters:
  • Action – Type of the actions.

  • Observation – Type of the observations.

Subclassed by robot_interfaces::MultiProcessRobotData< Action, Observation >, robot_interfaces::MultiProcessRobotData< Action, Observation >, robot_interfaces::SingleProcessRobotData< Action, Observation >, robot_interfaces::SingleProcessRobotData< Action, Observation >

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const RobotData<Action, Observation>> ConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const RobotData<Action, Observation>> ConstPtr

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<Action>> desired_action

Time series of the desired actions.

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<Action>> applied_action

Time series of the actually applied actions (due to safety.

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<Observation>> observation

Time series of the observations retrieved from the robot.

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<Status>> status

Time series of status messages.

Protected Functions

inline RobotData()
inline RobotData()
template<typename TAction, typename TObservation>
class RobotDriver
#include <robot_driver.hpp>

Driver for interfacing the actual robot hardware or simulation.

Interface to the robot used by the subsequent classes. Any robot (be it real or simulation) has to derive from this class and implement the functions apply_action(), get_latest_observation() and shutdown(). This Base class provides some timing logic around those three functions. It makes sure that after the first call of apply_action(), it is always called again after some specified time, otherwise the shutdown() method will be called. This Base class also makes sure that the apply_action() function itself does not take more time than expected.

Template Parameters:
  • Action

  • Observation

Public Types

typedef TAction Action
typedef TObservation Observation
typedef TAction Action
typedef TObservation Observation

Public Functions

inline virtual ~RobotDriver()
virtual void initialize() = 0

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

virtual Action apply_action(const Action &desired_action) = 0

Apply action immediately and block until it is executed.

This method must apply the desired_action immediately when it is called, and only return once the action has been executed completely. This way we can accommodate both simulators and real robots with this interface.


desired_action – The action we want to apply.


The action that was actually applied (since due to safety reasons it might not be possible to apply the desired action).

virtual Observation get_latest_observation() = 0

Return the latest observation immediately.



virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error() = 0

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

virtual void shutdown() = 0

Shut down the robot safely.

Use this method if your robot needs to perform some action when shutting down, e.g. to move it to a defined rest position.

inline virtual Action get_idle_action()

Return action that is safe to apply while the robot is idle.

Typically this can be an action applying zero torque to all joints but it might be more involved depending on the robot (it could, for example, also be an action to hold the joints in place).

The default implementation simply uses the default constructor of Action, assuming that this is safe to use.

inline virtual ~RobotDriver()
virtual void initialize() = 0

Initialize the robot.

Any initialization procedures that need to be done before sending actions to the robot should be done in this method (e.g. homing to find the absolute position).

virtual Action apply_action(const Action &desired_action) = 0

Apply action immediately and block until it is executed.

This method must apply the desired_action immediately when it is called, and only return once the action has been executed completely. This way we can accommodate both simulators and real robots with this interface.


desired_action – The action we want to apply.


The action that was actually applied (since due to safety reasons it might not be possible to apply the desired action).

virtual Observation get_latest_observation() = 0

Return the latest observation immediately.



virtual std::optional<std::string> get_error() = 0

Get error message if there is any error.

Uses std::optional for the return type, so an actual string only needs to be created if there is an error. This is relevant as std::string is in general not real-time safe and should thus be avoided. In case of an error this does not matter, as the control loop will be stopped anyway.


Returns an error message or std::nullopt if there is no error.

virtual void shutdown() = 0

Shut down the robot safely.

Use this method if your robot needs to perform some action when shutting down, e.g. to move it to a defined rest position.

inline virtual Action get_idle_action()

Return action that is safe to apply while the robot is idle.

Typically this can be an action applying zero torque to all joints but it might be more involved depending on the robot (it could, for example, also be an action to hold the joints in place).

The default implementation simply uses the default constructor of Action, assuming that this is safe to use.

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
class RobotFrontend
#include <robot_frontend.hpp>

Communication link between RobotData and the user.

Takes care of communication between the RobotData and the user. It is just a thin wrapper around RobotData to facilitate interaction and also to make sure the user cannot use RobotData in incorrect ways.

Template Parameters:
  • Action

  • Observation

Subclassed by robot_interfaces::Robot< Action, Observation, Driver, Data >, robot_interfaces::Robot< Action, Observation, Driver, Data >

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>> ConstPtr
typedef time_series::Timestamp TimeStamp
typedef std::shared_ptr<RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>> ConstPtr
typedef time_series::Timestamp TimeStamp

Public Functions

inline RobotFrontend(std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data)
inline Observation get_observation(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get observation of time step t.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


The observation of time step t.

inline Action get_desired_action(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get the desired action of time step t.

The desired action is the action as it is passed by the user in append_desired_action.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


The desired action of time step t.

inline Action get_applied_action(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get the applied action of time step t.

The applied action is the one that was actually applied to the robot based on the desired action of that time step. It may differ from the desired one e.g. due to some safety checks which limit the maximum torque. If and how the action is modified depends on the implementation of the RobotDriver.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


The applied action of time step t.

inline Status get_status(const TimeIndex &t) const
inline TimeStamp get_timestamp_ms(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get the timestamp of time step t.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


Timestamp of time step t.

inline TimeIndex get_current_timeindex() const

Get the current time index.


The latest time index for which observations are available.

inline TimeIndex append_desired_action(const Action &desired_action)

Append a desired action to the action time series.

This will append an action to the “desired actions” time series. Note that this does not block until the action is actually executed. The time series acts like a queue from which the RobotBackend takes the actions one by one to send them to the actual robot. It is possible to call this method multiple times in a row to already provide actions for the next time steps.

The time step at which the given action will be applied is returned by this method.


desired_action – The action that shall be applied on the robot. Note that the actually applied action might be different depending on the implementation of the RobotDriver (see get_applied_action).


Time step at which the action will be applied.

inline void wait_until_timeindex(const TimeIndex &t) const

Wait until the specified time step is reached.


t – Time step until which is waited.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.

inline RobotFrontend(std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data)
inline Observation get_observation(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get observation of time step t.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


The observation of time step t.

inline Action get_desired_action(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get the desired action of time step t.

The desired action is the action as it is passed by the user in append_desired_action.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


The desired action of time step t.

inline Action get_applied_action(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get the applied action of time step t.

The applied action is the one that was actually applied to the robot based on the desired action of that time step. It may differ from the desired one e.g. due to some safety checks which limit the maximum torque. If and how the action is modified depends on the implementation of the RobotDriver.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


The applied action of time step t.

inline Status get_status(const TimeIndex &t) const
inline TimeStamp get_timestamp_ms(const TimeIndex &t) const

Get the timestamp of time step t.


t – Index of the time step. If t is in the future, this method will block and wait.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.


Timestamp of time step t.

inline TimeIndex get_current_timeindex() const

Get the current time index.


The latest time index for which observations are available.

inline TimeIndex append_desired_action(const Action &desired_action)

Append a desired action to the action time series.

This will append an action to the “desired actions” time series. Note that this does not block until the action is actually executed. The time series acts like a queue from which the RobotBackend takes the actions one by one to send them to the actual robot. It is possible to call this method multiple times in a row to already provide actions for the next time steps.

The time step at which the given action will be applied is returned by this method.


desired_action – The action that shall be applied on the robot. Note that the actually applied action might be different depending on the implementation of the RobotDriver (see get_applied_action).


Time step at which the action will be applied.

inline void wait_until_timeindex(const TimeIndex &t) const

Wait until the specified time step is reached.


t – Time step until which is waited.


std::invalid_argument – if t is too old and not in the time series buffer anymore.

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data_
template<typename Action_t, typename Observation_t>
struct RobotInterfaceTypes
#include <types.hpp>

Public Types

typedef Action_t Action
typedef Observation_t Observation
typedef RobotBackend<Action, Observation> Backend
typedef std::shared_ptr<Backend> BackendPtr
typedef RobotData<Action, Observation> BaseData
typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseData> BaseDataPtr
typedef SingleProcessRobotData<Action, Observation> SingleProcessData
typedef std::shared_ptr<SingleProcessData> SingleProcessDataPtr
typedef MultiProcessRobotData<Action, Observation> MultiProcessData
typedef std::shared_ptr<MultiProcessData> MultiProcessDataPtr
typedef RobotFrontend<Action, Observation> Frontend
typedef std::shared_ptr<Frontend> FrontendPtr
typedef RobotLogEntry<Action, Observation> LogEntry
typedef RobotLogger<Action, Observation> Logger
typedef RobotBinaryLogReader<Action, Observation> BinaryLogReader
typedef Action_t Action
typedef Observation_t Observation
typedef RobotBackend<Action, Observation> Backend
typedef std::shared_ptr<Backend> BackendPtr
typedef RobotData<Action, Observation> BaseData
typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseData> BaseDataPtr
typedef SingleProcessRobotData<Action, Observation> SingleProcessData
typedef std::shared_ptr<SingleProcessData> SingleProcessDataPtr
typedef MultiProcessRobotData<Action, Observation> MultiProcessData
typedef std::shared_ptr<MultiProcessData> MultiProcessDataPtr
typedef RobotFrontend<Action, Observation> Frontend
typedef std::shared_ptr<Frontend> FrontendPtr
typedef RobotLogEntry<Action, Observation> LogEntry
typedef RobotLogger<Action, Observation> Logger
typedef RobotBinaryLogReader<Action, Observation> BinaryLogReader
template<typename Action, typename Observation, typename Status_t = Status>
struct RobotLogEntry

Robot log entry used for binary log format.

Contains all the robot data of one time step.

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)

Public Members

time_series::Index timeindex
time_series::Timestamp timestamp
Status_t status
Observation observation
Action desired_action
Action applied_action
template<typename Action, typename Observation>
class RobotLogger
#include <robot_logger.hpp>

Log robot data (observations, actions, status) to file.

Logs for each time step the time index, timestamp, and the values Observation, Action, and Status. The data is written to a text file, one line per time step with values separated by spaces. This format can easily be read e.g. with NumPy or Pandas.

There are different ways of using the logger:

  1. Using start() and stop_and_save(): The logger runs a thread in which it copies all data to an internal buffer while the robot is running. When calling stop_and_save() the content of the buffer is stored to a file (either binary or text). This is the recommended method for most applications.

  2. Using save_current_robot_data() or save_current_robot_data_binary(): Call this to log data that is currently held in the robot data time series. For this method, the logger doesn’t use an own buffer, so no data is copied while the robot is running. However, the possible time span for logging is limited by the size of the robot data time series.

Template Parameters:
  • Action – Type of the robot action. Must derive from Loggable.

  • Observation – Type of the robot observation. Must derive from Loggable.

Public Types

enum class Format

Enumeration of possible log file formats.


enumerator BINARY
enumerator CSV
enumerator CSV_GZIP
enumerator BINARY
enumerator CSV
enumerator CSV_GZIP
enum class Format

Enumeration of possible log file formats.


enumerator BINARY
enumerator CSV
enumerator CSV_GZIP
enumerator BINARY
enumerator CSV
enumerator CSV_GZIP
typedef RobotLogEntry<Action, Observation> LogEntry
typedef RobotLogEntry<Action, Observation> LogEntry

Public Functions

inline RobotLogger(std::shared_ptr<robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data, size_t buffer_limit)

Initialize logger.

  • robot_data – Pointer to the robot data instance.

  • buffer_limit – Max. size of the log buffer (in timesteps). If the buffer is full, old time steps will be dropped as new ones are added.

RobotLogger(RobotLogger&&) = default
inline virtual ~RobotLogger()
inline void start()

Start logging using an internal buffer.

The buffer is limited by the buffer_limit argument of the constructor. If the limit is reached, the logger stops automatically.

If the logger is already running, this is a noop.

inline void stop()

Stop logging.

If the logger is already stopped, this is a noop.

inline void reset()

Clear the log buffer.

inline void stop_and_save(const std::string &filename, Format log_format)

Stop logging and save logged messages to a file.


filename – Path to the output file. Existing files will be overwritten.

inline void save_current_robot_data(const std::string &filename, long int start_index = 0, long int end_index = -1)

Write current content of robot data to CSV log file.

Write data of the time steps [start_index, end_index) to a log file. This assumes that the specified range is completely included in the active robot data buffer. If this is not the case, only the time steps which are still held in the buffer will be logged.

With the default values for start_index and end_index, the whole content of the current buffer is logged.

  • filename – Path to the log file. Existing files will be overwritten!

  • start_index – Time index at which to start logging. If not specified, the whole buffer is logged.

  • end_index – Time index at which to stop logging. This is exclusive, i.e. the specified time index itself will not be part of the log. If set to a negative value (default) or a value greater than the newest time index, the newest time index is used instead (see newest_timeindex()).


std::runtime_error – If called while the logger thread is running. In case the logger thread was started via start(), it needs to be stopped by calling stop() before save_current_robot_data() can be used.

inline void save_current_robot_data_binary(const std::string &filename, long int start_index = 0, long int end_index = -1)

Like save_current_robot_data but using binary file format.

inline RobotLogger(std::shared_ptr<robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>> robot_data, size_t buffer_limit)

Initialize logger.

  • robot_data – Pointer to the robot data instance.

  • buffer_limit – Max. size of the log buffer (in timesteps). If the buffer is full, old time steps will be dropped as new ones are added.

RobotLogger(RobotLogger&&) = default
inline virtual ~RobotLogger()
inline void start()

Start logging using an internal buffer.

The buffer is limited by the buffer_limit argument of the constructor. If the limit is reached, the logger stops automatically.

If the logger is already running, this is a noop.

inline void stop()

Stop logging.

If the logger is already stopped, this is a noop.

inline void reset()

Clear the log buffer.

inline void stop_and_save(const std::string &filename, Format log_format)

Stop logging and save logged messages to a file.


filename – Path to the output file. Existing files will be overwritten.

inline void save_current_robot_data(const std::string &filename, long int start_index = 0, long int end_index = -1)

Write current content of robot data to CSV log file.

Write data of the time steps [start_index, end_index) to a log file. This assumes that the specified range is completely included in the active robot data buffer. If this is not the case, only the time steps which are still held in the buffer will be logged.

With the default values for start_index and end_index, the whole content of the current buffer is logged.

  • filename – Path to the log file. Existing files will be overwritten!

  • start_index – Time index at which to start logging. If not specified, the whole buffer is logged.

  • end_index – Time index at which to stop logging. This is exclusive, i.e. the specified time index itself will not be part of the log. If set to a negative value (default) or a value greater than the newest time index, the newest time index is used instead (see newest_timeindex()).


std::runtime_error – If called while the logger thread is running. In case the logger thread was started via start(), it needs to be stopped by calling stop() before save_current_robot_data() can be used.

inline void save_current_robot_data_binary(const std::string &filename, long int start_index = 0, long int end_index = -1)

Like save_current_robot_data but using binary file format.

Private Functions

inline std::vector<std::string> construct_header() const

To get the title of the log file, describing all the information that will be logged in it.


header The title of the log file.

inline void append_names_to_header(const std::string &identifier, const std::vector<std::string> &field_name, const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &field_data, std::vector<std::string> &header) const

Fills in the name information of each field to be logged according to the size of the field.

  • identifier – The structure the field corresponds to

  • field_name – The name of the field

  • field_data – The field data

  • &header – Reference to the header of the log file

inline void write_header_to_file(const std::string &filename) const

Write CSV header to the log file.

This overwrites existing files!

inline void write_header_to_stream(std::ostream &output) const

Write CSV header to the output stream.

inline void append_robot_data_to_file(const std::string &filename, long int start_index, long int block_size)

Writes a block of time steps to the log file.

  • start_index – Time index marking the beginning of the block.

  • block_size – Number of time steps that are written to the log file.

inline void append_logger_buffer(std::ostream &output_stream) const

Appends the logger buffer as plain text (CSV) to an output stream.


output_stream – Output stream to which the log is written.

inline void append_field_data_to_file(const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &field_data, std::ostream &output_stream) const

Appends the data corresponding to every field at the same time index to the log file.


field_data – The field data

inline void save_buffer_binary(const std::string &filename) const

Save content of the internal buffer to a binary file.


filename – Path/name of the output file.

inline void save_buffer_text(const std::string &filename, bool use_gzip = false) const

Save content of the internal buffer to a CSV file.

  • filename – Path/name of the output file

  • use_gzip – If true, the output file is gzip-compressed.

inline void buffer_loop()

Get observations from logger_data_ and add them to the buffer.

inline std::vector<std::string> construct_header() const

To get the title of the log file, describing all the information that will be logged in it.


header The title of the log file.

inline void append_names_to_header(const std::string &identifier, const std::vector<std::string> &field_name, const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &field_data, std::vector<std::string> &header) const

Fills in the name information of each field to be logged according to the size of the field.

  • identifier – The structure the field corresponds to

  • field_name – The name of the field

  • field_data – The field data

  • &header – Reference to the header of the log file

inline void write_header_to_file(const std::string &filename) const

Write CSV header to the log file.

This overwrites existing files!

inline void write_header_to_stream(std::ostream &output) const

Write CSV header to the output stream.

inline void append_robot_data_to_file(const std::string &filename, long int start_index, long int block_size)

Writes a block of time steps to the log file.

  • start_index – Time index marking the beginning of the block.

  • block_size – Number of time steps that are written to the log file.

inline void append_logger_buffer(std::ostream &output_stream) const

Appends the logger buffer as plain text (CSV) to an output stream.


output_stream – Output stream to which the log is written.

inline void append_field_data_to_file(const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &field_data, std::ostream &output_stream) const

Appends the data corresponding to every field at the same time index to the log file.


field_data – The field data

inline void save_buffer_binary(const std::string &filename) const

Save content of the internal buffer to a binary file.


filename – Path/name of the output file.

inline void save_buffer_text(const std::string &filename, bool use_gzip = false) const

Save content of the internal buffer to a CSV file.

  • filename – Path/name of the output file

  • use_gzip – If true, the output file is gzip-compressed.

inline void buffer_loop()

Get observations from logger_data_ and add them to the buffer.

Private Members

std::thread thread_
std::shared_ptr<robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>> logger_data_
std::vector<LogEntry> buffer_
size_t buffer_limit_
long int index_
std::atomic<bool> stop_was_called_
std::atomic<bool> enabled_
std::string output_file_name_
template<typename ObservationType, typename InfoType = None>
class SensorBackend
#include <sensor_backend.hpp>

Communication link between SensorData and SensorDriver.

At each instant, it checks if the sensor can be accessed, and then gets the observation from it (the observation type depends on the sensor) and appends it to the sensor data.

Template Parameters:


Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorBackend<ObservationType, InfoType>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SensorBackend<ObservationType, InfoType>> ConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorBackend<ObservationType, InfoType>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SensorBackend<ObservationType, InfoType>> ConstPtr

Public Functions

inline SensorBackend(std::shared_ptr<SensorDriver<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_driver, std::shared_ptr<SensorData<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_data)
  • sensor_driverDriver instance for the sensor.

  • sensor_data – Data is sent to/retrieved from here.

SensorBackend(SensorBackend&&) = default
inline void shutdown()

Stop the backend thread.

inline virtual ~SensorBackend()
inline SensorBackend(std::shared_ptr<SensorDriver<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_driver, std::shared_ptr<SensorData<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_data)
  • sensor_driverDriver instance for the sensor.

  • sensor_data – Data is sent to/retrieved from here.

SensorBackend(SensorBackend&&) = default
inline void shutdown()

Stop the backend thread.

inline virtual ~SensorBackend()

Private Functions

inline void loop()

Main loop.

inline void loop()

Main loop.

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<SensorDriver<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_driver_
std::shared_ptr<SensorData<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_data_
bool shutdown_requested_
std::thread thread_
template<typename Observation, typename Info = None>
class SensorData
#include <sensor_data.hpp>

Contains the data coming from the sensors.

Template Parameters:

Observation – Type of the sensor observation.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorData<Observation, Info>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SensorData<Observation, Info>> ConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorData<Observation, Info>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SensorData<Observation, Info>> ConstPtr

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<Info>> sensor_info

Static information about the sensor.

Note: A time series is used here for convenience to handle the shared memory aspect. However, this is intended to only hold one element that doesn’t change over time.

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<Observation>> observation

Time series of the sensor observations.

Protected Functions

inline SensorData()
inline SensorData()
template<typename ObservationType, typename InfoType = None>
class SensorDriver
#include <sensor_driver.hpp>

Base driver class from which all specific sensor drivers should derive.

Template Parameters:


Public Functions

inline virtual ~SensorDriver()
inline virtual InfoType get_sensor_info()

Return static information about the sensor.

This information is expected to be constructed during initialization and to not change later on.

virtual ObservationType get_observation() = 0

return the observation


depends on the observation structure of the sensor being interacted with

inline virtual ~SensorDriver()
inline virtual InfoType get_sensor_info()

Return static information about the sensor.

This information is expected to be constructed during initialization and to not change later on.

virtual ObservationType get_observation() = 0

return the observation


depends on the observation structure of the sensor being interacted with

template<typename ObservationType, typename InfoType = None>
class SensorFrontend

Communication link between SensorData and the user.

Exposes the sensor data to the user to enable the user to get observations, timestamps, and timeindices from the timeseries.

Template Parameters:


Public Types

template<typename Type>
using Timeseries = time_series::TimeSeries<Type>
typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorFrontend<ObservationType, InfoType>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SensorFrontend<ObservationType, InfoType>> ConstPtr
typedef time_series::Timestamp TimeStamp
typedef time_series::Index TimeIndex
template<typename Type>
using Timeseries = time_series::TimeSeries<Type>
typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorFrontend<ObservationType, InfoType>> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const SensorFrontend<ObservationType, InfoType>> ConstPtr
typedef time_series::Timestamp TimeStamp
typedef time_series::Index TimeIndex

Public Functions

inline SensorFrontend(std::shared_ptr<SensorData<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_data)
inline InfoType get_sensor_info() const
inline ObservationType get_observation(const TimeIndex t) const
inline ObservationType get_latest_observation() const
inline TimeStamp get_timestamp_ms(const TimeIndex t) const
inline TimeIndex get_current_timeindex() const
inline SensorFrontend(std::shared_ptr<SensorData<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_data)
inline InfoType get_sensor_info() const
inline ObservationType get_observation(const TimeIndex t) const
inline ObservationType get_latest_observation() const
inline TimeStamp get_timestamp_ms(const TimeIndex t) const
inline TimeIndex get_current_timeindex() const

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<SensorData<ObservationType, InfoType>> sensor_data_
template<typename Observation, typename InfoType = None>
class SensorLogger
#include <sensor_logger.hpp>

Record sensor observations and store them to a file.

Fetches observations from the given SensorData and buffers them in memory. Buffered observations can be written to a file. For writing to file cereal is used, so the Observation type has to be serializable by cereal.

Usage Example:

auto logger = SensorLogger<int>(sensor_data, BUFFER_LIMIT);
// do something
Template Parameters:

Observation – Typ of the observation that is recorded.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorData<Observation, InfoType>> DataPtr
typedef std::tuple<double, Observation> StampedObservation
typedef std::shared_ptr<SensorData<Observation, InfoType>> DataPtr
typedef std::tuple<double, Observation> StampedObservation

Public Functions

inline SensorLogger(DataPtr sensor_data, size_t buffer_limit)

Initialize the logger.

  • sensor_data – Pointer to the SensorData instance from which observations are obtained.

  • buffer_limit – Maximum number of observations that are logged. When this limit is reached, the logger will stop automatically, that is new observations are not logged anymore.

SensorLogger(SensorLogger&&) = default
inline ~SensorLogger()
inline void start()

Start logging.

If the logger is already running, this is a noop.

inline void stop()

Stop logging.

If the logger is already stopped, this is a noop.

inline void reset()

Clear the log buffer.

inline void stop_and_save(const std::string &filename)

Stop logging and save logged messages to a file.


filename – Path to the output file. Existing files will be overwritten.

inline SensorLogger(DataPtr sensor_data, size_t buffer_limit)

Initialize the logger.

  • sensor_data – Pointer to the SensorData instance from which observations are obtained.

  • buffer_limit – Maximum number of observations that are logged. When this limit is reached, the logger will stop automatically, that is new observations are not logged anymore.

SensorLogger(SensorLogger&&) = default
inline ~SensorLogger()
inline void start()

Start logging.

If the logger is already running, this is a noop.

inline void stop()

Stop logging.

If the logger is already stopped, this is a noop.

inline void reset()

Clear the log buffer.

inline void stop_and_save(const std::string &filename)

Stop logging and save logged messages to a file.


filename – Path to the output file. Existing files will be overwritten.

Private Functions

inline void loop()

Get observations from sensor_data_ and add them to the buffer.

inline void loop()

Get observations from sensor_data_ and add them to the buffer.

Private Members

DataPtr sensor_data_
std::vector<StampedObservation> buffer_
size_t buffer_limit_
std::thread buffer_thread_
bool enabled_
template<typename Observation>
class SensorLogReader

Read the data from a sensor log file.

The data is read from the specified file and stored to the data member where it can be accessed.

Template Parameters:

Observation – Type of the sensor observation.

Public Types

typedef std::tuple<double, Observation> StampedObservation
typedef std::tuple<double, Observation> StampedObservation

Public Functions

inline SensorLogReader(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to SensorLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the sensor log file.

inline void read_file(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to SensorLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the sensor log file.

inline SensorLogReader(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to SensorLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the sensor log file.

inline void read_file(const std::string &filename)

Read data from the specified file.

The data is stored to SensorLogReader::data.


filename – Path to the sensor log file.

Public Members

std::vector<Observation> data

Observations from the log file.


rename to “observations”


rename to “observations”

std::vector<double> timestamps

Timestamps of the time series from which the observations were logged.

template<size_t N>
struct SimpleNJointRobotTypes : public robot_interfaces::RobotInterfaceTypes<NJointAction<N>, NJointObservation<N>>, public robot_interfaces::RobotInterfaceTypes<NJointAction<N>, NJointObservation<N>>

Collection of types for a generic N-joint BLMC robot.

Defines all the types needed to set up an interface to a generic N-joint BLMC robot that expects as Action a simple vector of N torque commands and provides N observations containing measured joint angle, velocity and torque.

Template Parameters:

N – Number of joints

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
class SingleProcessRobotData : public robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>, public robot_interfaces::RobotData<Action, Observation>
#include <robot_data.hpp>

RobotData instance using single process time series.

Use this class if all modules accessing the data are running in the same process. If modules run in separate processes, use MultiProcessRobotData instead.

Public Functions

inline SingleProcessRobotData(size_t history_length = 1000)

Construct the time series for the robot data.


history_length – History length of the time series.

inline SingleProcessRobotData(size_t history_length = 1000)

Construct the time series for the robot data.


history_length – History length of the time series.

template<typename Observation, typename Info = None>
class SingleProcessSensorData : public robot_interfaces::SensorData<Observation, None>, public robot_interfaces::SensorData<Observation, None>
#include <sensor_data.hpp>

SensorData instance using single process time series.

Use this class if all modules accessing the data are running in the same process. If modules run in separate processes, use MultiProcessSensorData instead.

Public Functions

inline SingleProcessSensorData(size_t history_length = 1000)
inline SingleProcessSensorData(size_t history_length = 1000)
struct Status : public robot_interfaces::Loggable, public robot_interfaces::Loggable
#include <status.hpp>

Status information from the backend.

Used to report status information that is not directly robot-related from the backend to the frontend.

Public Types

enum class ErrorStatus

Different types of errors that can occur in the backend.


enumerator NO_ERROR

Indicates that there is no error.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Error reported from the RobotDriver.

An error reported by the low level robot driver (see RobotDriver). This is depending on the driver implementation. It can, for example, be used to report some hardware failure).

enumerator BACKEND_ERROR

Error from the RobotBackend.

An error which is issued by the back end itself, for example if no new action is provided and the allowed number of repetitions is exceeded.

enumerator NO_ERROR

Indicates that there is no error.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Error reported from the RobotDriver.

An error reported by the low level robot driver (see RobotDriver). This is depending on the driver implementation. It can, for example, be used to report some hardware failure).

enumerator BACKEND_ERROR

Error from the RobotBackend.

An error which is issued by the back end itself, for example if no new action is provided and the allowed number of repetitions is exceeded.

enum class ErrorStatus

Different types of errors that can occur in the backend.


enumerator NO_ERROR

Indicates that there is no error.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Error reported from the RobotDriver.

An error reported by the low level robot driver (see RobotDriver). This is depending on the driver implementation. It can, for example, be used to report some hardware failure).

enumerator BACKEND_ERROR

Error from the RobotBackend.

An error which is issued by the back end itself, for example if no new action is provided and the allowed number of repetitions is exceeded.

enumerator NO_ERROR

Indicates that there is no error.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Error reported from the RobotDriver.

An error reported by the low level robot driver (see RobotDriver). This is depending on the driver implementation. It can, for example, be used to report some hardware failure).

enumerator BACKEND_ERROR

Error from the RobotBackend.

An error which is issued by the back end itself, for example if no new action is provided and the allowed number of repetitions is exceeded.

Public Functions

inline void set_error(ErrorStatus error_type, const std::string &message)

Set error.

If another error was set before, the old one is kept and the new one ignored.

  • error_type – The type of the error.

  • message – Error message. Will be shortened if it exceeds ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH.

inline bool has_error() const

Check if an error is set.

See error_status and error_message for more details on the error.


If there is an error reported in the status, the robot is not in an operational state anymore. Trying to append another action in the RobotFrontend will result in an exception in this case.

inline std::string get_error_message() const

Get the error message as std::string.

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override
inline void set_error(ErrorStatus error_type, const std::string &message)

Set error.

If another error was set before, the old one is kept and the new one ignored.

  • error_type – The type of the error.

  • message – Error message. Will be shortened if it exceeds ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH.

inline bool has_error() const

Check if an error is set.

See error_status and error_message for more details on the error.


If there is an error reported in the status, the robot is not in an operational state anymore. Trying to append another action in the RobotFrontend will result in an exception in this case.

inline std::string get_error_message() const

Get the error message as std::string.

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
inline virtual std::vector<std::string> get_name() override
inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> get_data() override

Public Members

uint32_t action_repetitions = 0

Number of times the current action has been repeated.

If the back end wants to apply the next action but no new action was provided by the user in time, it may (depending on configuration) repeat the previous action. Each time this happens, action_repetitions is increased by one. Once a new action is provided, it will be reset to zero.

See also next-action-not-in-time.

ErrorStatus error_status = ErrorStatus::NO_ERROR

Indicates if there is an error and, if yes, in which component.

See also

error_message for more information on the error.

See also



If there is an error reported in the status, the robot is not in an operational state anymore. Trying to append another action in the RobotFrontend will result in an exception in this case.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 64

Maximum length of error messages (including terminating \0)

Private Members

char error_message[ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = ""

Human-readable message describing the error.

Value is undefined if error_status == NO_ERROR.

namespace robot_interfaces


typedef FingerTypes<1> MonoFingerTypes
typedef FingerTypes<3> TriFingerTypes
template<typename Type>
using Timeseries = time_series::TimeSeries<Type>
typedef time_series::Index TimeIndex


enum RobotBackendTerminationReason

Possible termination reasons of a RobotBackend.



Backend is still running.


Shutdown requested for non-failure reason (e.g. by SIGINT).


Maximum number of actions was reached.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Some error in the driver.


First action timeout was triggered.


Next action timeout was triggered.


Backend is still running.


Shutdown requested for non-failure reason (e.g. by SIGINT).


Maximum number of actions was reached.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Some error in the driver.


First action timeout was triggered.


Next action timeout was triggered.

enum RobotBackendTerminationReason

Possible termination reasons of a RobotBackend.



Backend is still running.


Shutdown requested for non-failure reason (e.g. by SIGINT).


Maximum number of actions was reached.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Some error in the driver.


First action timeout was triggered.


Next action timeout was triggered.


Backend is still running.


Shutdown requested for non-failure reason (e.g. by SIGINT).


Maximum number of actions was reached.

enumerator DRIVER_ERROR

Some error in the driver.


First action timeout was triggered.


Next action timeout was triggered.


template<typename Types>
void create_blmc_can_robot_python_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create Python bindings for the specified BLMC-CAN-robot Types.

With this function, Python bindings can easily be created for new robots that are based on the NJointRobotTypes. Example:

PYBIND11_MODULE(py_fortytwo_types, m)

Template Parameters:

Types – An instance of NJointRobotTypes.


m – The second argument of the PYBIND11_MODULE macro.

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
void create_robot_data_python_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create Python bindings for the RobotData classes.

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
void create_robot_backend_python_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create Python bindings for RobotBackend.

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
void create_robot_frontend_python_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create Python bindings for RobotFrontend.

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
void create_robot_logger_python_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create Python bindings for RobotLogger and related classes.

template<typename Action, typename Observation>
void create_interface_python_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create Python bindings for the robot interface classes.

Creates bindings for RobotData, RobotBackend, RobotFrontend and logging-related classes.

Usage Example:

PYBIND11_MODULE(my_robot, m)
    create_interface_python_bindings<MyAction, MyObservation>(m);

    // You still need provide bindings for MyAction and MyObservation!

Template Parameters:
  • Action – The action type that is used for the robot.

  • Observation – The observation type that is used for the robot.


m – The second argument of the PYBIND11_MODULE macro.

template<typename ObservationType, typename InfoType = None>
void create_sensor_bindings(pybind11::module &m)

Create python bindings for different sensor types.

Template Parameters:

The – ObservationType


constexpr size_t JOINTS_PER_FINGER = 3
constexpr size_t BOARDS_PER_FINGER = 2
namespace demo
namespace example
file demo.cpp
#include “robot_interfaces/example.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/monitored_robot_driver.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/robot.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/status.hpp”
#include <memory>

Minimal demo of robot driver, backend and frontend.


Vincent Berenz license License BSD-3-Clause


Copyright (c) 2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft.


int main()
file demo_multiprocess_backend.cpp
#include <memory>
#include “robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp”
#include “robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp”
#include “types.hpp

Minimal demo of robot driver/backend running in its own process.


Vincent Berenz, Felix Widmaier license License BSD-3-Clause


Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft.


int main()
file demo_multiprocess_frontend.cpp
#include <memory>
#include “robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp”
#include “types.hpp

Minimal demo of robot frontend running in its own process.


Vincent Berenz, Felix Widmaier license License BSD-3-Clause


Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft.


int main()
file types.hpp

license License BSD-3-Clause

Simple Action and Observation types that are used by some demos.


Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft.

file types.hpp
#include <memory>
#include “robot_backend.hpp
#include “robot_data.hpp
#include “robot_frontend.hpp
#include “robot_log_entry.hpp
#include “robot_log_reader.hpp
#include “robot_logger.hpp

Observation of a Finger robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file types.hpp
#include <memory>
#include “robot_backend.hpp
#include “robot_data.hpp
#include “robot_frontend.hpp
#include “robot_log_entry.hpp
#include “robot_log_reader.hpp
#include “robot_logger.hpp

Observation of a Finger robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file example.hpp
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp>

license License BSD-3-Clause

Example driver and types for demo and testing purposes.


Copyright (c) 2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft.

file example.hpp
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp>

license License BSD-3-Clause

Example driver and types for demo and testing purposes.


Copyright (c) 2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft.

file finger_types.hpp
#include <robot_interfaces/n_joint_robot_types.hpp>
file finger_types.hpp
#include <robot_interfaces/n_joint_robot_types.hpp>
file loggable.hpp
file loggable.hpp
file monitored_robot_driver.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <real_time_tools/process_manager.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/thread.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/threadsafe/threadsafe_object.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/timer.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp>
file monitored_robot_driver.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <real_time_tools/process_manager.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/thread.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/threadsafe/threadsafe_object.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/timer.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp>
file n_finger_observation.hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <serialization_utils/cereal_eigen.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>

Observation of a Finger robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_finger_observation.hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <serialization_utils/cereal_eigen.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>

Observation of a Finger robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_joint_action.hpp
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <serialization_utils/cereal_eigen.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>

Action of a generic n-joint robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_joint_action.hpp
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <serialization_utils/cereal_eigen.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>

Action of a generic n-joint robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_joint_observation.hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <serialization_utils/cereal_eigen.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>

Observation of a generic n-joint robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_joint_observation.hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <serialization_utils/cereal_eigen.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>

Observation of a generic n-joint robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_joint_robot_types.hpp
#include “n_finger_observation.hpp
#include “n_joint_action.hpp
#include “n_joint_observation.hpp
#include “types.hpp

Types for an n-joint robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file n_joint_robot_types.hpp
#include “n_finger_observation.hpp
#include “n_joint_action.hpp
#include “n_joint_observation.hpp
#include “types.hpp

Types for an n-joint robot.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file pybind_finger.hpp
#include <type_traits>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include <time_series/pybind11_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/types.hpp>

Functions for creating Python bindings for BLMC CAN robots.


BSD 3-clause


2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file pybind_finger.hpp
#include <type_traits>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include <time_series/pybind11_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/types.hpp>

Functions for creating Python bindings for BLMC CAN robots.


BSD 3-clause


2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file pybind_helper.hpp
#include <type_traits>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include <time_series/pybind11_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/types.hpp>

Helper functions for creating Python bindings.


BSD 3-clause


2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file pybind_helper.hpp
#include <type_traits>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include <time_series/pybind11_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/types.hpp>

Helper functions for creating Python bindings.


BSD 3-clause


2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file robot.hpp
#include <robot_interfaces/monitored_robot_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
file robot.hpp
#include <robot_interfaces/monitored_robot_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
file robot_backend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <optional>
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include <real_time_tools/checkpoint_timer.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/process_manager.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/thread.hpp>
#include <signal_handler/signal_handler.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>
file robot_backend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <optional>
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include <real_time_tools/checkpoint_timer.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/process_manager.hpp>
#include <real_time_tools/thread.hpp>
#include <signal_handler/signal_handler.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>
file robot_data.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <time_series/multiprocess_time_series.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include “status.hpp

RobotData classes for both single- and multi-process applications.


BSD 3-clause


Copyright (c) 2018-2020, New York University and Max Planck Gesellschaft

file robot_data.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <time_series/multiprocess_time_series.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include “status.hpp

RobotData classes for both single- and multi-process applications.


BSD 3-clause


Copyright (c) 2018-2020, New York University and Max Planck Gesellschaft

file robot_driver.hpp
#include <optional>
#include <string>
file robot_driver.hpp
#include <optional>
#include <string>
file robot_frontend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
file robot_frontend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
file robot_log_entry.hpp
#include <time_series/interface.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>


Copyright (c) 2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft.

file robot_log_entry.hpp
#include <time_series/interface.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>


Copyright (c) 2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft.

file robot_log_reader.hpp
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_log_entry.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>

API to read the data from a robot log file.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file robot_log_reader.hpp
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_log_entry.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>

API to read the data from a robot log file.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file robot_logger.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <thread>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_log_entry.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>
file robot_logger.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <thread>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_log_entry.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>
file pybind_sensors.hpp
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_frontend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_log_reader.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_logger.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Binds methods and objects to enable access from python.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file pybind_sensors.hpp
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_frontend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_log_reader.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_logger.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Binds methods and objects to enable access from python.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_backend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <thread>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Connects the driver with sensor data.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_backend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <thread>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_driver.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Connects the driver with sensor data.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_data.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <time_series/multiprocess_time_series.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

To store all the data from all the sensors in use.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_data.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <time_series/multiprocess_time_series.hpp>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

To store all the data from all the sensors in use.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_driver.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Base driver for the sensors.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_driver.hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Base driver for the sensors.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_frontend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Consists of methods that are exposed to the user to interact with the sensors.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_frontend.hpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <time_series/time_series.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/sensors/sensor_data.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/utils.hpp>

Consists of methods that are exposed to the user to interact with the sensors.


BSD 3-clause


2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_log_reader.hpp
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>

API to read the data from a sensor log file.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_log_reader.hpp
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>

API to read the data from a sensor log file.


BSD 3-clause


2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file sensor_logger.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>
#include “sensor_data.hpp
file sensor_logger.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <serialization_utils/gzip_iostream.hpp>
#include “sensor_data.hpp
file status.hpp
#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

Defines the Status struct.

file status.hpp
#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/loggable.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

Defines the Status struct.

file utils.hpp
#include <cstdint>




2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file utils.hpp
#include <cstdint>




2020, New York University, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.

file py_finger_types.cpp
#include <robot_interfaces/finger_types.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_finger.hpp>

Create bindings for One-Joint robot types.


PYBIND11_MODULE(py_finger_types, m)
file py_generic.cpp
#include <time_series/pybind11_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_helper.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/status.hpp>

Create Python bindings for generic types.


BSD 3-clause


2019, Max Planck Gesellschaft. All rights reserved.


PYBIND11_MODULE(py_generic, m)
file py_one_joint_types.cpp
#include <robot_interfaces/n_joint_robot_types.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_finger.hpp>

Create bindings for One-Joint robot types.


PYBIND11_MODULE(py_one_joint_types, m)
file py_solo_eight_types.cpp
#include <robot_interfaces/n_joint_robot_types.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_finger.hpp>

Create bindings for Solo8 robot types.


PYBIND11_MODULE(py_solo_eight_types, m)
file py_trifinger_types.cpp
#include <robot_interfaces/finger_types.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_finger.hpp>

Create bindings for TriFinger robot types.


PYBIND11_MODULE(py_trifinger_types, m)
file py_two_joint_types.cpp
#include <robot_interfaces/n_joint_robot_types.hpp>
#include <robot_interfaces/pybind_finger.hpp>

Create bindings for Two-Joint robot types.


PYBIND11_MODULE(py_two_joint_types, m)
page license

File n_finger_observation.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_finger_observation.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_joint_action.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_joint_action.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_joint_observation.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_joint_observation.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_joint_robot_types.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File n_joint_robot_types.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File py_generic.cpp

BSD 3-clause

File pybind_finger.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File pybind_finger.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File pybind_helper.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File pybind_helper.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File pybind_sensors.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File pybind_sensors.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File robot_data.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File robot_data.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File robot_log_reader.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File robot_log_reader.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_backend.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_backend.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_data.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_data.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_driver.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_driver.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_frontend.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_frontend.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_log_reader.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File sensor_log_reader.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File types.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File types.hpp

BSD 3-clause

File utils.hpp


File utils.hpp


page todo

Member robot_interfaces::MultiProcessRobotData< Action, Observation >::MultiProcessRobotData  (const std::string &shared_memory_id_prefix, bool is_master, size_t history_length=1000)

Make this constructor protected and implement factory methods like in MultiprocessTimeSeries..

Make this constructor protected and implement factory methods like in MultiprocessTimeSeries..

Member robot_interfaces::SensorLogReader< Observation >::data

rename to “observations”

rename to “observations”

dir demos
dir include
dir install/robot_interfaces/include
dir install
dir include/robot_interfaces
dir install/robot_interfaces
dir install/robot_interfaces/include/robot_interfaces
dir include/robot_interfaces/sensors
dir install/robot_interfaces/include/robot_interfaces/sensors
dir srcpy
example demo.cpp

This demo shows robot_interfaces of a dummy “2dof” robot, in which a dof “position” is represented by an integer.

This demo shows robot_interfaces of a dummy “2dof” robot, in which a dof “position” is represented by an integer

#include "robot_interfaces/example.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/monitored_robot_driver.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/robot.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/status.hpp"

#include <memory>

using namespace robot_interfaces::example;

int main()
    typedef robot_interfaces::RobotBackend<Action, Observation> Backend;
    typedef robot_interfaces::SingleProcessRobotData<Action, Observation> Data;
    typedef robot_interfaces::RobotFrontend<Action, Observation> Frontend;

    // max time allowed for the robot to apply an action.
    double max_action_duration_s = 0.02;

    // max time between for 2 successive actions
    double max_inter_action_duration_s = 0.05;

    // demo showing the separated usage of backend and frontend
        std::cout << "\n -- * -- Frontend and Backend -- * --\n" << std::endl;

        std::shared_ptr<Driver> driver_ptr = std::make_shared<Driver>(0, 1000);
        // Wrap the driver in a MonitoredRobotDriver to automatically run a
        // timing watchdog.  If timing is violated, the robot will immediately
        // be shut down.
        // If no time monitoring is needed in your application, you can simply
        // use the `driver_ptr` directly, without the wrapper.
        auto monitored_driver_ptr =
                driver_ptr, max_action_duration_s, max_inter_action_duration_s);

        std::shared_ptr<Data> data_ptr = std::make_shared<Data>();

        Backend backend(monitored_driver_ptr, data_ptr);

        Frontend frontend(data_ptr);

        Action action;
        Observation observation;

        // simulated action :
        // 1 dof going from 200 to 300
        // The other going from 300 to 200

        for (uint value = 200; value <= 300; value++)
            action.values[0] = value;
            action.values[1] = 500 - value;
            // this action will be stored at index
            robot_interfaces::TimeIndex index =
            // getting the observation corresponding to the applied
            // action, i.e. at the same index
            observation = frontend.get_observation(index);
            std::cout << "value: " << value << " | ";

    // demo representing usage of frontend and backend
    // encapsulated in the same instance
        std::cout << "\n -- * -- Robot -- * --\n" << std::endl;

        typedef robot_interfaces::Robot<Action, Observation, Driver> Robot;

        int min = 0;
        int max = 100;
        Robot robot(
            max_action_duration_s, max_inter_action_duration_s, min, max);


        Action action;
        Observation observation;

        // simulated action :
        // 1 dof going from 200 to 300
        // The other going from 300 to 200

        for (uint value = 200; value <= 300; value++)
            action.values[0] = value;
            action.values[1] = 500 - value;
            // this action will be stored at index
            robot_interfaces::TimeIndex index =
            // getting the observation corresponding to the applied
            // action, i.e. at the same index
            observation = robot.get_observation(index);
            std::cout << "value: " << value << " | ";

example demo_multiprocess_backend.cpp

Robot backend for a dummy “2dof” robot in a multi process setup.

Robot backend for a dummy “2dof” robot in a multi process setup.

#include <memory>

#include "robot_interfaces/robot_backend.hpp"
#include "robot_interfaces/robot_driver.hpp"

#include "types.hpp"

using namespace robot_interfaces::demo;

// TODO put driver in separate file so no duplication to demo.cpp?  Discuss
// with Vincent.

// Send command to the robot and read observation from the robot
// The dof positions simply becomes the ones set by the latest action,
// capped between a min and a max value (0 and 1000)
class Driver : public robot_interfaces::RobotDriver<Action, Observation>

    // at init dof are at min value
    void initialize()
        state_[0] = Driver::MIN;
        state_[1] = Driver::MIN;

    // just clip desired values
    // between 0 and 1000
    Action apply_action(const Action &action_to_apply)
        std::cout << "received action ";

        Action applied;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (action_to_apply.values[i] > Driver::MAX)
                applied.values[i] = Driver::MAX;
            else if (action_to_apply.values[i] < Driver::MIN)
                applied.values[i] = Driver::MIN;
                applied.values[i] = action_to_apply.values[i];
            // simulating the time if could take for a real
            // robot to perform the action
            state_[i] = applied.values[i];
        return applied;

    Observation get_latest_observation()
        Observation observation;
        observation.values[0] = state_[0];
        observation.values[1] = state_[1];
        return observation;

    std::optional<std::string> get_error()
        return std::nullopt;  // no error

    void shutdown()
        // nothing to do

    int state_[2];

    const static int MAX = 1000;
    const static int MIN = 0;

int main()
    typedef robot_interfaces::RobotBackend<Action, Observation> Backend;
    typedef robot_interfaces::MultiProcessRobotData<Action, Observation>

    auto driver_ptr = std::make_shared<Driver>();
    // the backend process acts as master for the shared memory
    auto data_ptr =
        std::make_shared<MultiProcessData>("multiprocess_demo", true);

    Backend backend(driver_ptr, data_ptr);

    // TODO would be nicer to check if backend loop is still running
    while (true)

example demo_multiprocess_frontend.cpp

Robot frontend for a dummy “2dof” robot in a multi process setup.

Robot frontend for a dummy “2dof” robot in a multi process setup.

#include <memory>

#include "robot_interfaces/robot_frontend.hpp"

#include "types.hpp"

using namespace robot_interfaces::demo;

int main()
    typedef robot_interfaces::RobotFrontend<Action, Observation> Frontend;
    typedef robot_interfaces::MultiProcessRobotData<Action, Observation>

    // The shared memory is managed by the backend process, so set the
    // is_master argument to false.
    auto data_ptr =
        std::make_shared<MultiProcessData>("multiprocess_demo", false);
    Frontend frontend(data_ptr);

    Action action;
    Observation observation;

    // simulated action :
    // 1 dof going from 200 to 300
    // The other going from 300 to 200

    for (uint value = 200; value <= 300; value++)
        action.values[0] = value;
        action.values[1] = 500 - value;
        // this action will be stored at index
        robot_interfaces::TimeIndex index =
        // getting the observation corresponding to the applied
        // action, i.e. at the same index
        observation = frontend.get_observation(index);
        std::cout << "value: " << value << " | ";