Class robot_interfaces::Robot

template<typename Action, typename Observation, typename Driver, typename Data = SingleProcessRobotData<Action, Observation>>
class Robot : public robot_interfaces::RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>, public robot_interfaces::RobotFrontend<Action, Observation>

RobotFrontend that construct and encapsulates its related RobotBackend.

It also construct and starts the robot driver.

Public Functions

template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(double max_action_duration_s, double max_inter_action_duration_s, Args... args)
template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(Args... args)

Robot which instantiates a non real time mode backend.

inline void initialize()

initialize the backend

inline const Data &get_data() const

return the data shared by the frontend and the backend.

template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(double max_action_duration_s, double max_inter_action_duration_s, Args... args)
template<typename ...Args>
inline Robot(Args... args)

Robot which instantiates a non real time mode backend.

inline void initialize()

initialize the backend

inline const Data &get_data() const

return the data shared by the frontend and the backend.