Namespace trifinger_object_tracking

namespace trifinger_object_tracking


enum class ColorModel

Different color segmentation models that are supported.

Names correspond to the objects, see the documentation of supported objects for more information.


enumerator CUBE_V1
enumerator CUBE_V2
enumerator CUBOID_V2

Cuboid v2 is the same material as cube v2 but this color model is fine-tuned with images of the cuboid.

enumerator CUBE_V1
enumerator CUBE_V2
enumerator CUBOID_V2

Cuboid v2 is the same material as cube v2 but this color model is fine-tuned with images of the cuboid.

enum CubeFace


enumerator FACE_0
enumerator FACE_1
enumerator FACE_2
enumerator FACE_3
enumerator FACE_4
enumerator FACE_5
enumerator FACE_0
enumerator FACE_1
enumerator FACE_2
enumerator FACE_3
enumerator FACE_4
enumerator FACE_5
enum FaceColor


enumerator RED
enumerator GREEN
enumerator BLUE
enumerator CYAN
enumerator MAGENTA
enumerator YELLOW
enumerator N_COLORS
enumerator RED
enumerator GREEN
enumerator BLUE
enumerator CYAN
enumerator MAGENTA
enumerator YELLOW
enumerator N_COLORS
enum class ColorModel

Different color segmentation models that are supported.

Names correspond to the objects, see the documentation of supported objects for more information.


enumerator CUBE_V1
enumerator CUBE_V2
enumerator CUBOID_V2

Cuboid v2 is the same material as cube v2 but this color model is fine-tuned with images of the cuboid.

enumerator CUBE_V1
enumerator CUBE_V2
enumerator CUBOID_V2

Cuboid v2 is the same material as cube v2 but this color model is fine-tuned with images of the cuboid.

enum CubeFace


enumerator FACE_0
enumerator FACE_1
enumerator FACE_2
enumerator FACE_3
enumerator FACE_4
enumerator FACE_5
enumerator FACE_0
enumerator FACE_1
enumerator FACE_2
enumerator FACE_3
enumerator FACE_4
enumerator FACE_5
enum FaceColor


enumerator RED
enumerator GREEN
enumerator BLUE
enumerator CYAN
enumerator MAGENTA
enumerator YELLOW
enumerator N_COLORS
enumerator RED
enumerator GREEN
enumerator BLUE
enumerator CYAN
enumerator MAGENTA
enumerator YELLOW
enumerator N_COLORS


std::array<float, XGB_NUM_CLASSES> xgb_classify_cube_v1(std::array<float, XGB_NUM_FEATURES> &sample)
std::array<float, XGB_NUM_CLASSES> xgb_classify_cube_v2(std::array<float, XGB_NUM_FEATURES> &sample)
std::array<float, XGB_NUM_CLASSES> xgb_classify_cuboid_v2(std::array<float, XGB_NUM_FEATURES> &sample)
inline std::array<float, XGB_NUM_CLASSES> xgb_classify(const ColorModel color_model, std::array<float, XGB_NUM_FEATURES> &sample)
CubeDetector create_trifingerpro_cube_detector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model)

Create cube detector for a TriFingerPro robot.

Loads the camera calibration of the robot on which it is executed and creates a CubeDetector instance for it.


cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FaceColor &color)
BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr get_model_by_name(const std::string &name)

Get object model instance by name.


name – Name of the model type. One of cube_v1, cube_v2, cube_v3, cuboid_2x2x8_v2 (same names as returned by BaseCuboidModel::get_name()).


Instance of the specified model.

cv::Mat getPoseMatrix(cv::Point3f, cv::Point3f)
std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, 3> load_camera_parameters(std::array<std::string, 3> parameter_files)

Load camera calibration parameters from YAML files.


parameter_files – List of YAML files. Expected order is camera60, camera180, camera300.


std::runtime_error – if loading of the parameters fails.


Camera calibration parameters.

std::array<float, XGB_NUM_CLASSES> xgb_classify(const std::array<float, XGB_NUM_FEATURES> &sample)
cv::Mat segment_image(const cv::Mat &image_bgr)

Segment image using a binary pixel classifier.


image_bgr – The image in BGR format.


Single-channel segmentation mask.


constexpr int XGB_NUM_CLASSES = 7
constexpr int XGB_NUM_FEATURES = 6
class BaseObjectTrackerBackend

Base class for object tracker.

Implements the logic of putting the object pose to the time series. The method update_pose() which retrieves the actual pose, needs to be implemented by the derived class.

Subclassed by trifinger_object_tracking::FakeObjectTrackerBackend, trifinger_object_tracking::FakeObjectTrackerBackend, trifinger_object_tracking::SimulationObjectTrackerBackend, trifinger_object_tracking::SimulationObjectTrackerBackend

Public Functions

inline BaseObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
void stop()
void store_buffered_data(const std::string &filename) const

Store the content of the time series buffer to a file.


filename – Path to the file. If it already exists, it will be overwritten.

inline BaseObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
void stop()
void store_buffered_data(const std::string &filename) const

Store the content of the time series buffer to a file.


filename – Path to the file. If it already exists, it will be overwritten.

class ColorSegmenter

Public Functions

ColorSegmenter(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model)
void detect_colors(const cv::Mat &image_bgr)

Detect colours in the image and create segmentation masks.

After calling this, dominant colours and segmentation masks are provided by get_dominant_colors() and get_mask().



cv::Mat get_mask(FaceColor color) const

Get mask of the specified color.

cv::Mat get_segmented_image() const

Get image visualizing the color segmentation.

cv::Mat get_image() const

Get the original image.

std::vector<FaceColor> get_dominant_colors() const
ColorSegmenter(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model)
void detect_colors(const cv::Mat &image_bgr)

Detect colours in the image and create segmentation masks.

After calling this, dominant colours and segmentation masks are provided by get_dominant_colors() and get_mask().



cv::Mat get_mask(FaceColor color) const

Get mask of the specified color.

cv::Mat get_segmented_image() const

Get image visualizing the color segmentation.

cv::Mat get_image() const

Get the original image.

std::vector<FaceColor> get_dominant_colors() const
class CubeDetector
#include <cube_detector.hpp>

Detect coloured cube in images from a three-camera setup.

Public Functions

CubeDetector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, N_CAMERAS> &camera_params)
  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • camera_params – Calibration parameters of the cameras.

CubeDetector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<std::string, N_CAMERAS> &camera_param_files)
  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • camera_param_files – Paths to the camera calibration files.

ObjectPose detect_cube_single_thread(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images)
ObjectPose detect_cube(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images)

Detect cube in the given images.


images – Images from cameras camera60, camera180, camera300.


Pose of the cube.

cv::Mat create_debug_image(bool fill_faces = false) const

Create debug image for the last call of detect_cube.


fill_faces – If true, the cube is drawn with filled faces, otherwise only a wire frame is drawn.


Aggregate image showing different stages of the cube detection.

CubeDetector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, N_CAMERAS> &camera_params)
  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • camera_params – Calibration parameters of the cameras.

CubeDetector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<std::string, N_CAMERAS> &camera_param_files)
  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • camera_param_files – Paths to the camera calibration files.

ObjectPose detect_cube_single_thread(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images)
ObjectPose detect_cube(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images)

Detect cube in the given images.


images – Images from cameras camera60, camera180, camera300.


Pose of the cube.

cv::Mat create_debug_image(bool fill_faces = false) const

Create debug image for the last call of detect_cube.


fill_faces – If true, the cube is drawn with filled faces, otherwise only a wire frame is drawn.


Aggregate image showing different stages of the cube detection.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int N_CAMERAS = 3
class BaseCuboidModel
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Base class for all cuboid object models.

See Object Model for more information on the available object models.

Subclassed by trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase, trifinger_object_tracking::Cuboid2x2x8V2Model, trifinger_object_tracking::Cuboid2x2x8V2Model

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseCuboidModel> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const BaseCuboidModel> ConstPtr
typedef std::array<std::array<float, 4>, 8> CornerPositionArray
typedef std::array<CubeFace, N_FACES> CubeFaceArray
typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseCuboidModel> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<const BaseCuboidModel> ConstPtr
typedef std::array<std::array<float, 4>, 8> CornerPositionArray
typedef std::array<CubeFace, N_FACES> CubeFaceArray

Public Functions

virtual std::string get_name() const = 0

Get name of the model.

virtual CornerPositionArray get_corners() const = 0

Get homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, 1) of the cube corners.

virtual CubeFace map_color_to_face(FaceColor color) const = 0

Get the cuboid face that has the specified colour.

virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const = 0

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

inline BaseCuboidModel()
inline std::array<unsigned int, 4> get_face_corner_indices(FaceColor color) const

Maps each color to the indices of the corresponding cube corners.

virtual std::string get_name() const = 0

Get name of the model.

virtual CornerPositionArray get_corners() const = 0

Get homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, 1) of the cube corners.

virtual CubeFace map_color_to_face(FaceColor color) const = 0

Get the cuboid face that has the specified colour.

virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const = 0

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

inline BaseCuboidModel()
inline std::array<unsigned int, 4> get_face_corner_indices(FaceColor color) const

Maps each color to the indices of the corresponding cube corners.

Public Members

std::map<std::pair<CubeFace, CubeFace>, Edge> edges

Public Static Functions

static inline std::array<FaceColor, 6> get_colors()

Get face colours. The index in the list refers to the face index.

static inline std::string get_color_name(FaceColor color)

Get name of the given colour.

static inline std::array<int, 3> get_rgb(FaceColor color)

Get RGB value of the given colour.

Note that the RGB values returned by this function are only meant for visualisation purposes and do not necessarily represent the actual shade of the colour on the given object (e.g. the value returned for red is always (255, 0, 0), independent of the object.

static inline std::array<int, 3> get_hsv(FaceColor color)

Get HSV value of the given colour.

Like get_rgb() this is only for visualisation purposes and does not attempt to match the actual colour of the real object.

static inline std::array<FaceColor, 6> get_colors()

Get face colours. The index in the list refers to the face index.

static inline std::string get_color_name(FaceColor color)

Get name of the given colour.

static inline std::array<int, 3> get_rgb(FaceColor color)

Get RGB value of the given colour.

Note that the RGB values returned by this function are only meant for visualisation purposes and do not necessarily represent the actual shade of the colour on the given object (e.g. the value returned for red is always (255, 0, 0), independent of the object.

static inline std::array<int, 3> get_hsv(FaceColor color)

Get HSV value of the given colour.

Like get_rgb() this is only for visualisation purposes and does not attempt to match the actual colour of the real object.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int N_FACES = 6

Number of faces of the cuboid.

static constexpr std::array<std::array<unsigned int, 4>, N_FACES> face_corner_indices = {{{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 1, 0}, {5, 6, 2, 1}, {6, 7, 3, 2}, {7, 4, 0, 3}, {7, 6, 5, 4}}}

For each cuboid face the indices of the corresponding corners.

static constexpr float face_normal_vectors[6][3] = {{0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, 0, -1}}

Normal vectors of all cuboid faces.

struct Edge
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Represents a cuboid edge, defined by its two corner points.

Public Members

unsigned int c1

Index of the first cuboid corner that belong to the edge.

unsigned int c2

Index of the second cuboid corner that belong to the edge.

class BaseCubeModel : public virtual trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCuboidModel, public virtual trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCuboidModel
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Base model for all 65mm cubes.

Subclassed by trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV1Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV1Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV3Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV3Model

Public Functions

inline virtual CornerPositionArray get_corners() const override

Get homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, 1) of the cube corners.

inline virtual CornerPositionArray get_corners() const override

Get homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, 1) of the cube corners.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr float WIDTH = 0.0652
static constexpr float HALF_WIDTH = WIDTH / 2.0

Cube corner positions in cube frame.

class CubeV1Model : public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Model for 65mm cube version 1.


See Object Model for more information on the object model.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual CubeFace map_color_to_face(FaceColor color) const override

Get the cuboid face that has the specified colour.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual CubeFace map_color_to_face(FaceColor color) const override

Get the cuboid face that has the specified colour.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

class CubeV2ColorOrderBase : public virtual trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCuboidModel, public virtual trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCuboidModel
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Subclassed by trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV3Model, trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV3Model, trifinger_object_tracking::Cuboid2x2x8V2Model, trifinger_object_tracking::Cuboid2x2x8V2Model

Public Functions

inline virtual CubeFace map_color_to_face(FaceColor color) const override

Get the cuboid face that has the specified colour.

inline virtual CubeFace map_color_to_face(FaceColor color) const override

Get the cuboid face that has the specified colour.

class CubeV2Model : public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, private trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase, public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, private trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Model for 65mm cube version 2.


See Object Model for more information on the object model.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

class CubeV3Model : public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, private trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase, public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCubeModel, private trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Model for 65mm cube version 3.


See Object Model for more information on the object model.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

class Cuboid2x2x8V2Model : public virtual trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCuboidModel, private trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase, public virtual trifinger_object_tracking::BaseCuboidModel, private trifinger_object_tracking::CubeV2ColorOrderBase
#include <cube_model.hpp>

Model for the 2x2x8 cm cuboid version 2.


See Object Model for more information on the object model.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual CornerPositionArray get_corners() const override

Get homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, 1) of the cube corners.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

inline virtual std::string get_name() const override

Get name of the model.

inline virtual CornerPositionArray get_corners() const override

Get homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, 1) of the cube corners.

inline virtual ColorModel get_color_model() const override

Get the colour model that is used for this object.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr float LENGTH = 0.08
static constexpr float LONG_HALF_WIDTH = LENGTH / 2.0
static constexpr float WIDTH = 0.02
static constexpr float SHORT_HALF_WIDTH = WIDTH / 2.0

Cube corner positions in cube frame.

class CubeVisualizer

Visualise object pose in the camera images.

The draw_cube() method can be used to project the object into the camera images and draw it either as wireframe or with filled faces for visualisation/debugging purposes.

Public Functions

inline CubeVisualizer(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, N_CAMERAS> &camera_params)
  • cube_model – Model of the object that is visualised.

  • camera_params – Camera calibration parameters.

inline CubeVisualizer(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<std::string, N_CAMERAS> &camera_calib_files)
  • cube_model – Model of the object that is visualised.

  • camera_calib_files – Paths to the camera parameter files.

std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> draw_cube(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images, const ObjectPose &object_pose, bool fill_faces = false, float opacity = 0.5)

Draw the object into the images at the specified pose.

  • images – Images from the cameras. The images need to be ordered in the same way as the camera calibration parameters that are passed to the constructor.

  • object_posePose of the object.

  • fill_faces – If false (default), only a monochrome wireframe of the object is drawn. If true, the faces of the cuboid are filled with the corresponding colours. The latter allows to verify the orientation (i.e. which face is pointing into which direction) but occludes more of the image.

  • opacity – Opacity of the visualisation (in range [0, 1]).


Images with the object visualisation.

std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> draw_circle(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images, const ObjectPose &object_pose, bool fill = true, float opacity = 0.5, float scale = 1.0)

Draw a circle into the images enclosing the object at the specified pose.

  • images – Images from the cameras. The images need to be ordered in the same way as the camera calibration parameters that are passed to the constructor.

  • object_posePose of the object.

  • fill – If true a filled circle is drawn with some transparency. If false, only a solid contour is drawn.

  • opacity – Opacity of the visualisation (in range [0, 1]).

  • scale – Scale factor for the circle size. At 1.0 the cube is just fully enclosed.


Images with the object visualisation.

inline CubeVisualizer(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, N_CAMERAS> &camera_params)
  • cube_model – Model of the object that is visualised.

  • camera_params – Camera calibration parameters.

inline CubeVisualizer(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<std::string, N_CAMERAS> &camera_calib_files)
  • cube_model – Model of the object that is visualised.

  • camera_calib_files – Paths to the camera parameter files.

std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> draw_cube(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images, const ObjectPose &object_pose, bool fill_faces = false, float opacity = 0.5)

Draw the object into the images at the specified pose.

  • images – Images from the cameras. The images need to be ordered in the same way as the camera calibration parameters that are passed to the constructor.

  • object_posePose of the object.

  • fill_faces – If false (default), only a monochrome wireframe of the object is drawn. If true, the faces of the cuboid are filled with the corresponding colours. The latter allows to verify the orientation (i.e. which face is pointing into which direction) but occludes more of the image.

  • opacity – Opacity of the visualisation (in range [0, 1]).


Images with the object visualisation.

std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> draw_circle(const std::array<cv::Mat, N_CAMERAS> &images, const ObjectPose &object_pose, bool fill = true, float opacity = 0.5, float scale = 1.0)

Draw a circle into the images enclosing the object at the specified pose.

  • images – Images from the cameras. The images need to be ordered in the same way as the camera calibration parameters that are passed to the constructor.

  • object_posePose of the object.

  • fill – If true a filled circle is drawn with some transparency. If false, only a solid contour is drawn.

  • opacity – Opacity of the visualisation (in range [0, 1]).

  • scale – Scale factor for the circle size. At 1.0 the cube is just fully enclosed.


Images with the object visualisation.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int N_CAMERAS = 3
class CvSubImages
#include <cv_sub_images.hpp>

Combine multiple images of same size in grid.

Creates an nxm grid of images, similar to subplots of matplotlib.

Public Functions

CvSubImages(cv::Size img_size, unsigned rows, unsigned cols, unsigned border = 5, cv::Scalar background = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255))
  • img_size – Size of the single images.

  • rows – Number of rows in the grid.

  • cols – Number of columns in the grid.

  • border – Size of the border between images in pixels.

  • background – Background colour.

void set_subimg(const cv::Mat &image, unsigned row, unsigned col)

Set a sub-image.

  • image – The image.

  • row – Row in which the image is shown.

  • col – Column in which the image is shown.

const cv::Mat &get_image() const

Get the image grid.

CvSubImages(cv::Size img_size, unsigned rows, unsigned cols, unsigned border = 5, cv::Scalar background = cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255))
  • img_size – Size of the single images.

  • rows – Number of rows in the grid.

  • cols – Number of columns in the grid.

  • border – Size of the border between images in pixels.

  • background – Background colour.

void set_subimg(const cv::Mat &image, unsigned row, unsigned col)

Set a sub-image.

  • image – The image.

  • row – Row in which the image is shown.

  • col – Column in which the image is shown.

const cv::Mat &get_image() const

Get the image grid.

class FakeObjectTrackerBackend : public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseObjectTrackerBackend, public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseObjectTrackerBackend

Fake Object Tracker Backend for Testing.

This implementation of the backend returns fake poses (meant for testing the interface without real object tracker running).

Public Functions

inline BaseObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
inline BaseObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
inline BaseObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
inline BaseObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
struct ObjectPose
#include <object_pose.hpp>

Estimated pose of a tracked object.

Public Functions

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)

For serialization with cereal.

inline std::string to_string()
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)

For serialization with cereal.

inline std::string to_string()

Public Members

Eigen::Vector3d position

Position (x, y, z)

Eigen::Vector4d orientation

Orientation quaternion (x, y, z, w)

double confidence = 0.0

Confidence of the accuracy of the given pose. Ranges from 0 to 1.

class ObjectTrackerData

Wrapper for the time series of the object tracker data.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<ObjectTrackerData> Ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<ObjectTrackerData> Ptr

Public Functions

ObjectTrackerData(const std::string &shared_memory_id_prefix, bool is_master, size_t history_length = 1000)
ObjectTrackerData(const std::string &shared_memory_id_prefix, bool is_master, size_t history_length = 1000)

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<time_series::TimeSeriesInterface<ObjectPose>> poses
class ObjectTrackerFrontend

Frontend to access the object tracker data.

Public Functions

inline ObjectTrackerFrontend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
ObjectPose get_pose(const time_series::Index t) const

Get the object pose at time index t.

ObjectPose get_current_pose() const

Get the latest object pose.

time_series::Index get_current_timeindex() const

Get the index of the current time step.

time_series::Index get_oldest_timeindex() const

Get the index of the oldest time step still held in the buffer.

time_series::Timestamp get_timestamp_ms(const time_series::Index t) const

Get time stamp of the given time step.

void wait_until_timeindex(const time_series::Index t) const

Wait until time index t is reached.

bool has_observations() const

Returns true if there are observations in the time series.

inline ObjectTrackerFrontend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data)
ObjectPose get_pose(const time_series::Index t) const

Get the object pose at time index t.

ObjectPose get_current_pose() const

Get the latest object pose.

time_series::Index get_current_timeindex() const

Get the index of the current time step.

time_series::Index get_oldest_timeindex() const

Get the index of the oldest time step still held in the buffer.

time_series::Timestamp get_timestamp_ms(const time_series::Index t) const

Get time stamp of the given time step.

void wait_until_timeindex(const time_series::Index t) const

Wait until time index t is reached.

bool has_observations() const

Returns true if there are observations in the time series.

struct Stats
#include <pose_detector.hpp>

Public Members

cv::Vec3f lower_bound
cv::Vec3f upper_bound
cv::Vec3f mean
class PoseDetector
#include <pose_detector.hpp>

Public Types

typedef std::array<std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>>, PoseDetector::N_CAMERAS> MasksPixels
typedef std::array<std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>>, PoseDetector::N_CAMERAS> MasksPixels

Public Functions

PoseDetector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, N_CAMERAS> &camera_parameters)
Pose find_pose(const std::array<std::vector<FaceColor>, N_CAMERAS> &dominant_colors, const std::array<std::vector<cv::Mat>, N_CAMERAS> &masks)
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> get_projected_points() const
std::vector<std::pair<FaceColor, std::array<unsigned int, 4>>> get_visible_faces(unsigned int camera_idx, const cv::Affine3f &cube_pose_world) const

Get corner indices of the visible faces.

Determines which faces of the object is visible to the camera and returns the corner indices of these faces.

  • camera_idx – Index of the camera.

  • cube_pose_worldPose of the cube in the world frame.


For each visible face a pair of the face color and the list of the corner indices of the four corners of that face.

std::vector<std::pair<FaceColor, std::array<unsigned int, 4>>> get_visible_faces(unsigned int camera_idx) const

Get corner indices of the visible faces.

Overloaded version that used the last detected pose for the cube. Call find_pose() first, otherwise the result is undefined!


camera_idx – Index of the camera.


For each visible face a pair of the face color and the list of the corner indices of the four corners of that face.

inline unsigned int get_num_misclassified_pixels() const
inline float get_segmented_pixels_ratio() const
inline float get_confidence() const
void set_pose(const Pose &pose)
PoseDetector(BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, const std::array<trifinger_cameras::CameraParameters, N_CAMERAS> &camera_parameters)
Pose find_pose(const std::array<std::vector<FaceColor>, N_CAMERAS> &dominant_colors, const std::array<std::vector<cv::Mat>, N_CAMERAS> &masks)
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> get_projected_points() const
std::vector<std::pair<FaceColor, std::array<unsigned int, 4>>> get_visible_faces(unsigned int camera_idx, const cv::Affine3f &cube_pose_world) const

Get corner indices of the visible faces.

Determines which faces of the object is visible to the camera and returns the corner indices of these faces.

  • camera_idx – Index of the camera.

  • cube_pose_worldPose of the cube in the world frame.


For each visible face a pair of the face color and the list of the corner indices of the four corners of that face.

std::vector<std::pair<FaceColor, std::array<unsigned int, 4>>> get_visible_faces(unsigned int camera_idx) const

Get corner indices of the visible faces.

Overloaded version that used the last detected pose for the cube. Call find_pose() first, otherwise the result is undefined!


camera_idx – Index of the camera.


For each visible face a pair of the face color and the list of the corner indices of the four corners of that face.

inline unsigned int get_num_misclassified_pixels() const
inline float get_segmented_pixels_ratio() const
inline float get_confidence() const
void set_pose(const Pose &pose)

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int N_CAMERAS = 3

Number of cameras.

class PyBulletTriCameraObjectTrackerDriver : public robot_interfaces::SensorDriver<trifinger_object_tracking::TriCameraObjectObservation, trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo>, public robot_interfaces::SensorDriver<trifinger_object_tracking::TriCameraObjectObservation, trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo>

Driver to get rendered camera images and object pose from pyBullet.

This is a simulation-based replacement for TriCameraObjectTrackerDriver.

Public Functions

PyBulletTriCameraObjectTrackerDriver(pybind11::object tracking_object, robot_interfaces::TriFingerTypes::BaseDataPtr robot_data, bool render_images = true, trifinger_cameras::Settings settings = trifinger_cameras::Settings())
  • tracking_object – Python object of the tracked object. Needs to have a method get_state() which returns a tuple of object position (x, y, z) and object orientation quaternion (x, y, z, w).

  • render_images – Set to false to disable image rendering. Images in the observations will be uninitialized. Use this if you only need the object pose and are not interested in the actual images. Rendering is pretty slow, so by disabling it, the simulation may run much faster.

trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo get_sensor_info() override

Get the camera parameters.

Internally, this calls trifinger_cameras::PyBulletTriCameraDriver::get_sensor_info(), so see there fore more information.

trifinger_object_tracking::TriCameraObjectObservation get_observation() override

Get the latest observation.

PyBulletTriCameraObjectTrackerDriver(pybind11::object tracking_object, robot_interfaces::TriFingerTypes::BaseDataPtr robot_data, bool render_images = true, trifinger_cameras::Settings settings = trifinger_cameras::Settings())
  • tracking_object – Python object of the tracked object. Needs to have a method get_state() which returns a tuple of object position (x, y, z) and object orientation quaternion (x, y, z, w).

  • render_images – Set to false to disable image rendering. Images in the observations will be uninitialized. Use this if you only need the object pose and are not interested in the actual images. Rendering is pretty slow, so by disabling it, the simulation may run much faster.

trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo get_sensor_info() override

Get the camera parameters.

Internally, this calls trifinger_cameras::PyBulletTriCameraDriver::get_sensor_info(), so see there fore more information.

trifinger_object_tracking::TriCameraObjectObservation get_observation() override

Get the latest observation.

class SimulationObjectTrackerBackend : public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseObjectTrackerBackend, public trifinger_object_tracking::BaseObjectTrackerBackend

Object Tracker Backend for Simulation.

This implementation of the backend gets the object pose directly from simulation.

Public Functions

inline SimulationObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data, pybind11::object object, bool real_time_mode = true)


  • data – Instance of the ObjectTrackerData.

  • object – Python object that provides access to the object’s pose. It is expected to have a method “get_pose()” that returns a tuple of object position ([x, y, z]) and orientation as quaternion ([x, y, z, w]).

  • real_time_mode – If true, the object pose will be updated at 33Hz.

inline SimulationObjectTrackerBackend(ObjectTrackerData::Ptr data, pybind11::object object, bool real_time_mode = true)


  • data – Instance of the ObjectTrackerData.

  • object – Python object that provides access to the object’s pose. It is expected to have a method “get_pose()” that returns a tuple of object position ([x, y, z]) and orientation as quaternion ([x, y, z, w]).

  • real_time_mode – If true, the object pose will be updated at 33Hz.

struct TriCameraObjectObservation : public trifinger_cameras::TriCameraObservation, public trifinger_cameras::TriCameraObservation

Observation of three cameras + object tracking.

Public Functions

TriCameraObjectObservation() = default
inline TriCameraObjectObservation(const trifinger_cameras::TriCameraObservation &observation)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)
TriCameraObjectObservation() = default
inline TriCameraObjectObservation(const trifinger_cameras::TriCameraObservation &observation)
template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &archive)

Public Members

trifinger_object_tracking::ObjectPose object_pose = {}
trifinger_object_tracking::ObjectPose filtered_object_pose = {}
class TriCameraObjectTrackerDriver : public robot_interfaces::SensorDriver<TriCameraObjectObservation, trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo>, public robot_interfaces::SensorDriver<TriCameraObjectObservation, trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo>

Driver to create three instances of the PylonDriver and get observations from them.

Public Functions

TriCameraObjectTrackerDriver(const std::string &device_id_1, const std::string &device_id_2, const std::string &device_id_3, BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, bool downsample_images = true, trifinger_cameras::Settings settings = trifinger_cameras::Settings())
  • device_id_1 – device user id of first camera

  • device_id_2 – likewise, the 2nd’s

  • device_id_3 – and the 3rd’s

  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • downsample_images – If set to true (default), images are downsampled to half their original size.

  • settings – Settings for the cameras.

TriCameraObjectTrackerDriver(const std::filesystem::path &camera_calibration_file_1, const std::filesystem::path &camera_calibration_file_2, const std::filesystem::path &camera_calibration_file_3, BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, bool downsample_images = true, trifinger_cameras::Settings settings = trifinger_cameras::Settings())
  • camera_calibration_file_1 – Calibration file of first camera

  • camera_calibration_file_2 – likewise, the 2nd’s

  • camera_calibration_file_3 – and the 3rd’s

  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • downsample_images – If set to true (default), images are downsampled to half their original size.

  • settings – Settings for the cameras.

trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo get_sensor_info() override

Get the camera parameters.

@rst Internally, this calls :cpp:func:trifinger_cameras::TriCameraDriver::get_sensor_info, so see there fore more information. @endrst

TriCameraObjectObservation get_observation() override

Get the latest observation from the three cameras.



cv::Mat get_debug_image(bool fill_faces = false)

Fetch an observation from the cameras and create a debug image.

The debug image shows various visualisations of the object detection, see CubeDetector::create_debug_image.

See also





Debug image showing the result of the object detection.

TriCameraObjectTrackerDriver(const std::string &device_id_1, const std::string &device_id_2, const std::string &device_id_3, BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, bool downsample_images = true, trifinger_cameras::Settings settings = trifinger_cameras::Settings())
  • device_id_1 – device user id of first camera

  • device_id_2 – likewise, the 2nd’s

  • device_id_3 – and the 3rd’s

  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • downsample_images – If set to true (default), images are downsampled to half their original size.

  • settings – Settings for the cameras.

TriCameraObjectTrackerDriver(const std::filesystem::path &camera_calibration_file_1, const std::filesystem::path &camera_calibration_file_2, const std::filesystem::path &camera_calibration_file_3, BaseCuboidModel::ConstPtr cube_model, bool downsample_images = true, trifinger_cameras::Settings settings = trifinger_cameras::Settings())
  • camera_calibration_file_1 – Calibration file of first camera

  • camera_calibration_file_2 – likewise, the 2nd’s

  • camera_calibration_file_3 – and the 3rd’s

  • cube_model – The model that is used for detecting the cube.

  • downsample_images – If set to true (default), images are downsampled to half their original size.

  • settings – Settings for the cameras.

trifinger_cameras::TriCameraInfo get_sensor_info() override

Get the camera parameters.

@rst Internally, this calls :cpp:func:trifinger_cameras::TriCameraDriver::get_sensor_info, so see there fore more information. @endrst

TriCameraObjectObservation get_observation() override

Get the latest observation from the three cameras.



cv::Mat get_debug_image(bool fill_faces = false)

Fetch an observation from the cameras and create a debug image.

The debug image shows various visualisations of the object detection, see CubeDetector::create_debug_image.

See also





Debug image showing the result of the object detection.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds rate = std::chrono::milliseconds(100)

Rate at which images are acquired.

static constexpr unsigned int N_CAMERAS = 3
struct Pose
#include <types.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Pose(const cv::Vec3f &translation, const cv::Vec3f &rotation, float confidence = 0.0)
inline Pose(const cv::Vec3f &translation, const cv::Vec3f &rotation, float confidence = 0.0)

Public Members

cv::Vec3f translation
cv::Vec3f rotation

rotation vector

float confidence = 0.0