Class trifinger_cameras::Settings

class Settings

Central class for loading settings.

Central facility to load settings for this package from a TOML file.

For information about the config file format, see Configuration.

Constructing the class will parse the TOML file but actual settings objects for the different modules are only created when the corresponding getter is called the first time.

Public Functions


Load configuration from file specified via environment variable.

If the environment variable TRIFINGER_CAMERA_CONFIG is defined, it is expected to contain the path to the configuration file, which is then loaded. If it is not defined, default values are used for all parameters.

Settings(const std::filesystem::path &file)

Load configuration from the specified file.

std::shared_ptr<const PylonDriverSettings> get_pylon_driver_settings()

Get settings for the PylonDriver.

std::shared_ptr<const TriCameraDriverSettings> get_tricamera_driver_settings()

Get settings for the TriCameraDriver.


Load configuration from file specified via environment variable.

If the environment variable TRIFINGER_CAMERA_CONFIG is defined, it is expected to contain the path to the configuration file, which is then loaded. If it is not defined, default values are used for all parameters.

Settings(const std::filesystem::path &file)

Load configuration from the specified file.

std::shared_ptr<const PylonDriverSettings> get_pylon_driver_settings()

Get settings for the PylonDriver.

std::shared_ptr<const TriCameraDriverSettings> get_tricamera_driver_settings()

Get settings for the TriCameraDriver.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::string_view ENV_VARIABLE_CONFIG_FILE = "TRIFINGER_CAMERA_CONFIG"

Name of the environment variable to specify the config file path.