Getting StartedΒΆ

This package implements a RobotDriver and several applications for the TriFinger robots, using the robot_interfaces package. See there for more information on the general architecture. The action and observation types for the (Tri)Finger robots are also implemented in robot_interfaces.

We provide several demos to show how to use the interface on practical examples. Good starting points are:


The demos are all in Python, however, you can do exactly the same using the C++ API.

After you build the package (or when using a Singularity/Apptainer image with the pre-built package included) you can run the demos as follows:

$ cd path/to/workspace
$ singularity shell -e --no-home --bind=$(pwd) path/to/image.sif
Singularity> source /setup.bash
Singularity> source ./install/local_setup.bash
Singularity> ros2 run robot_fingers demo_single_finger_torque_control

Instead of using ros2 run you can also call the corresponding Python scripts directly.