Build Instructions


We are using colcon as build tool and typically use ros2 run to execute our applications. While we are not really depending on any ROS packages, this means a basic ROS 2 installation is recommended.

We are testing on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Foxy. Other versions may work as well but are not officially supported.

Get the Source

blmc_drivers depends on several other of our packages which are organized in separate repositories. We therefore use a workspace management tool called treep which allows easy cloning of multi-repository projects.

treep can be installed via pip:

pip install treep

Clone the treep configuration containing the “BLMC_DRIVERS” project:

git clone

Note: treep searches for a configuration directory from the current working directory upwards. So you can use treep in the directory in which you invoked the git clone command above or any subdirectory.

Now clone the project:

treep --clone BLMC_DRIVERS

Important: treep uses SSH to clone from github. So for the above command to work, you need a github account with a registered SSH key. Further this key needs to work without asking for a password everytime. To achieve this, run




To build, cd into the workspace directory that was created by treep. If not done already, source the ROS setup:

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash

Then build with:

colcon build

Build Documentation

If you want to build this documentation locally, run

colcon build --cmake-args -DGENERATE_DOCUMENTATION=ON

The documentation can then be found in <workspace>/install/<package_name>/share/<package_name>/docs