Source code for trifinger_simulation.visual_objects

"""Different types of visualisation markers for the simulation."""
import numpy as np
import pybullet

[docs] class Marker: """Visualise multiple positions using spheres.""" def __init__( self, number_of_goals, goal_size=0.015, initial_position=[0.18, 0.18, 0.08], **kwargs, ): """ Import a marker for visualization Args: number_of_goals (int): the desired number of goals to display goal_size (float): how big should this goal be initial_position (list of floats): where in xyz space should the goal first be displayed """ self._kwargs = kwargs color_cycle = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]] goal_shape_ids = [None] * number_of_goals self.goal_ids = [None] * number_of_goals self.goal_orientations = [None] * number_of_goals # Can use both a block, or a sphere: uncomment accordingly for i in range(number_of_goals): color = color_cycle[i % len(color_cycle)] goal_shape_ids[i] = pybullet.createVisualShape( # shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_BOX, # halfExtents=[goal_size] * number_of_goals, shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=goal_size, rgbaColor=color, **self._kwargs, ) self.goal_ids[i] = pybullet.createMultiBody( baseVisualShapeIndex=goal_shape_ids[i], basePosition=initial_position, baseOrientation=[0, 0, 0, 1], **self._kwargs, ) ( _, self.goal_orientations[i], ) = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.goal_ids[i], **self._kwargs, )
[docs] def set_state(self, positions): """ Set new positions for the goal markers with the orientation being the same as when they were imported. Args: positions (list of lists): List of lists with x,y,z positions of all goals. """ for goal_id, orientation, position in zip( self.goal_ids, self.goal_orientations, positions ): pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( goal_id, position, orientation, **self._kwargs, )
class ObjectMarker: def __init__( self, shape_type, position, orientation, color=(0, 1, 0, 0.5), pybullet_client_id=0, **kwargs, ): """ Create a cube marker for visualization Args: shape_type: Shape type of the object (e.g. pybullet.GEOM_BOX). position: Position (x, y, z) orientation: Orientation as quaternion (x, y, z, w) kwargs: Keyword arguments that are passed to pybullet.createVisualShape. Use this to specify shape-type-specify parameters like the object size. """ self._pybullet_client_id = pybullet_client_id self.shape_id = pybullet.createVisualShape( shapeType=shape_type, rgbaColor=color, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, **kwargs, ) self.body_id = pybullet.createMultiBody( baseVisualShapeIndex=self.shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=orientation, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, ) def __del__(self): """Removes the cuboid from the environment.""" # At this point it may be that pybullet was already shut down. To avoid # an error, only remove the object if the simulation is still running. if pybullet.isConnected(self._pybullet_client_id): pybullet.removeBody(self.body_id, self._pybullet_client_id) def set_state(self, position, orientation): """Set pose of the marker. Args: position: Position (x, y, z) orientation: Orientation as quaternion (x, y, z, w) """ pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self.body_id, position, orientation, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, )
[docs] class CuboidMarker(ObjectMarker): """Visualize a Cuboid.""" def __init__( self, size, position, orientation, color=(0, 1, 0, 0.5), pybullet_client_id=0, ): """ Create a cube marker for visualization Args: size (list): Lengths of the cuboid sides. position: Position (x, y, z) orientation: Orientation as quaternion (x, y, z, w) color: Color of the cube as a tuple (r, b, g, a) """ size = np.asarray(size) super().__init__( pybullet.GEOM_BOX, position, orientation, color, pybullet_client_id, halfExtents=size / 2, )
[docs] class CubeMarker(CuboidMarker): """Visualize a cube.""" def __init__( self, width, position, orientation, color=(0, 1, 0, 0.5), pybullet_client_id=0, ): """ Create a cube marker for visualization Args: width (float): Length of one side of the cube. position: Position (x, y, z) orientation: Orientation as quaternion (x, y, z, w) color: Color of the cube as a tuple (r, b, g, a) """ super().__init__( [width] * 3, position, orientation, color, pybullet_client_id, )