Source code for trifinger_simulation.pinocchio_utils

"""Wrappers around Pinocchio for easy forward and inverse kinematics."""
import typing
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pinocchio

    "The pinocchio_utils module has been moved to the robot_properties_fingers package."
    "  Please update your code accordingly.  This version in trifinger_simulation is"
    " deprecated and will be removed soon!",

# === IMPORTANT: This class is deprecated!  See warning above.
# The implementation here is kept for now, as robot_properties_fingers is not yet
# pip-installable but should be removed as soon as possible.
# Please do not make any changes here anymore but instead add new features/fixes/etc. in
# robot_properties_fingers.

[docs] class Kinematics: """Forward and inverse kinematics for arbitrary Finger robots. Provides forward and inverse kinematics functions for a Finger robot with arbitrarily many independent fingers. """ def __init__( self, finger_urdf_path: str, tip_link_names: typing.Iterable[str] ): """ Args: finger_urdf_path: Path to the URDF file describing the robot. tip_link_names: Names of the finger tip frames, one per finger. """ self.robot_model = pinocchio.buildModelFromUrdf(finger_urdf_path) = self.robot_model.createData() self.tip_link_ids = [ self.robot_model.getFrameId(link_name) for link_name in tip_link_names ]
[docs] def forward_kinematics( self, joint_positions: typing.List[np.ndarray], joint_velocities: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> typing.Union[ typing.List[np.ndarray], typing.Tuple[typing.List[np.ndarray], typing.List[np.ndarray]], ]: """Compute end-effector positions (and velocities) for the given joint configuration. Args: joint_positions: Flat list of angular joint positions. joint_velocities: Optional. Flat list of angular joint velocities. Returns: If only joint positions are given: List of end-effector positions. Each position is given as an np.array with x,y,z positions. If joint positions and velocities are given: Tuple with (i) list of end-effector positions and (ii) list of end-effector velocities. Each position and velocity is given as an np.array with x,y,z components. """ pinocchio.framesForwardKinematics( self.robot_model,, joint_positions ) positions = [ np.asarray([link_id].translation).reshape(-1).tolist() for link_id in self.tip_link_ids ] if joint_velocities is None: return positions else: pinocchio.forwardKinematics( self.robot_model,, joint_positions, joint_velocities ) velocities = [] for link_id in self.tip_link_ids: local_to_world_transform = pinocchio.SE3.Identity() local_to_world_transform.rotation =[ link_id ].rotation v_local = pinocchio.getFrameVelocity( self.robot_model,, link_id ) v_world = local_to_world_transform.act(v_local) velocities.append(v_world.linear) return positions, velocities
def _inverse_kinematics_step( self, frame_id: int, xdes: np.ndarray, q0: np.ndarray ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute one IK iteration for a single finger.""" dt = 1.0e-1 pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(self.robot_model,, q0) pinocchio.framesForwardKinematics(self.robot_model,, q0) Ji = pinocchio.getFrameJacobian( self.robot_model,, frame_id, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED, )[:3, :] xcurrent =[frame_id].translation try: Jinv = np.linalg.inv(Ji) except Exception: Jinv = np.linalg.pinv(Ji) err = xdes - xcurrent dq = - xcurrent) qnext = pinocchio.integrate(self.robot_model, q0, dt * dq) return qnext, err
[docs] def inverse_kinematics_one_finger( self, finger_idx: int, tip_target_position: np.ndarray, joint_angles_guess: np.ndarray, tolerance: float = 0.005, max_iterations: int = 1000, ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Inverse kinematics for a single finger. Args: finger_idx: Index of the finger. tip_target_positions: Target position for the finger tip in world frame. joint_angles_guess: Initial guess for the joint angles. tolerance: Position error tolerance. Stop if the error is less then that. max_iterations: Max. number of iterations. Returns: First element is the joint configuration (for joints that are not part of the specified finger, the values from the initial guess are kept). Second element is (x,y,z)-error of the tip position. """ q = joint_angles_guess for i in range(max_iterations): q, err = self._inverse_kinematics_step( self.tip_link_ids[finger_idx], tip_target_position, q ) if np.linalg.norm(err) < tolerance: break return q, err
[docs] def inverse_kinematics( self, tip_target_positions: typing.Iterable[np.ndarray], joint_angles_guess: np.ndarray, tolerance: float = 0.005, max_iterations: int = 1000, ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, typing.List[np.ndarray]]: """Inverse kinematics for the whole manipulator. Args: tip_target_positions: List of finger tip target positions, one for each finger. joint_angles_guess: See :meth:`inverse_kinematics_one_finger`. tolerance: See :meth:`inverse_kinematics_one_finger`. max_iterations: See :meth:`inverse_kinematics_one_finger`. Returns: First element is the joint configuration, second element is a list of (x,y,z)-errors of the tip positions. """ q = joint_angles_guess errors = [] for i, pos in enumerate(tip_target_positions): q, err = self.inverse_kinematics_one_finger( i, pos, q, tolerance, max_iterations ) errors.append(err) return q, errors