.. _about_apptainer: *************************** About Apptainer/Singularity *************************** .. todo:: - Briefly discuss the different images that are provided (refer to trifinger_singularity README for details) What is Apptainer? ================== Apptainer_ (formerly called "Singularity") is a tool to run software inside containers, similar to Docker. Compared to Docker it has a higher focus on security and can be used without root permission. Also programs in the container are executed as the user of the host system which makes it much more convenient when touching files of the host system (as it is happening when building a mounted workspace). Apptainer vs SingularityCE ========================== Apptainer_ and SingularityCE_ both emerged from the original Singularity project. While their features may diverge more significantly over time, they are currently (state end of 2023) still mostly compatible. This documentation assumes you are using Apptainer, however, it should work the same with SingularityCE. Just replace "apptainer" with "singularity" in all the commands (or create an alias). Install Apptainer ================= You can download pre-build packages of recent releases from the `Apptainer GitHub repository `_. For example on Ubuntu, download the deb package (called "apptainer_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb") and install it with: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo apt install ./apptainer_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb In the following, we provide some basic information on how to use Apptainer. For more detailed information, please see the `official documentation`_. Get our Apptainer Image ======================= We provide an Apptainer image with all dependencies needed to build and run the software here. You can download the latest version using: .. code-block:: sh apptainer pull oras://ghcr.io/open-dynamic-robot-initiative/trifinger_singularity/trifinger_base:latest In case you prefer to build the image yourself, see the trifinger_singularity_ repository on GitHub. Run Something in the Container ============================== To run the container in shell mode (i.e. opening a shell inside the container), the following is often enough: .. code-block:: sh apptainer shell path/to/image.sif This will, however, be influenced by your local setup as environment variables are exported and the home directory is mounted by default. Further the current working directory from which Apptainer is run is also bound inside the container. This default behaviour is often convenient but can cause issues in some cases. A typical example would be a Python package installed in your home directory (which will then be available in the container) which is not compatible with versions of other packages inside the container. To avoid these kind of issues it is recommended to use the following command to run the container in a more isolated way: .. code-block:: sh export APPTAINERENV_DISPLAY=$DISPLAY # <- you may want to put this line in your .bashrc apptainer shell -e --no-home --bind=$(pwd) path/to/image.sif The arguments explained: - The first line makes sure the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly inside the container (only needed if you want to run GUI-based applications). - ``-e`` (short for ``--cleanenv``) prevents environment variables to be exported. - ``--no-home`` prevents your home directory from being bound. - ``--bind=$(pwd)`` explicitly binds the current working directory. This is needed if the working directory is inside your home directory as otherwise it is excluded by the ``--no-home``. Note that with the above the current working directory is still bound in the image, so it is possible to build/modify the workspace from the host-system when Apptainer is run from the root directory of the workspace. Compatibility with Nvidia Drivers --------------------------------- When you are using Nvidia drivers and want to run a GUI-based application in the container, you may need to add the ``--nv`` flag: .. code-block:: sh apptainer shell --nv ... path/to/image.sif Add Custom Dependencies to the Container ======================================== The image we provide already includes everything needed to run the robot and the simulation. However, you may need additional libraries to use them in our own code, which are not yet present. In this case, you can create your own image which is based on our standard image but extends it with your additional dependencies. To extend the image, create *definition file* like the following: .. code-block:: singularity # Specify the name of the base image below Bootstrap: localimage From: ./base_image.sif %post # Put commands to install additional dependencies here. # Make sure everything runs automatically without human input (e.g. add # `-y` to automatically say "yes" below). apt-get install -y package_name See the official `Documentation for Definition Files`_ for all options in the definition file. Assuming you called your definition file ``user_image.def``, use the following command to build the image. Note that the base image (specified in the ``From:`` line) needs to be present in the directory in which you call the command. .. code-block:: sh $ apptainer build user_image.sif path/to/user_image.def .. _Apptainer: https://apptainer.org .. _SingularityCE: https://sylabs.io/singularity .. _official documentation: https://apptainer.org/docs/ .. _Documentation for Definition Files: https://apptainer.org/docs/user/1.0/definition_files.html .. _trifinger_singularity: https://github.com/open-dynamic-robot-initiative/trifinger_singularity